Should I follow Steve Cook?

Daniel De Medeiros
RTA902 (Social Media)
3 min readMar 8, 2017

Steve Cook is a professional bodybuilder, motivational speaker and dietitian. He currently runs multiple social media platforms including Instagram. Steve is a very genuine personal and differs from other professional bodybuilders. This is because he is always engaged with his viewers and never lets a second go by where they would feel distance from him. His use of Instagram account is a clear example of how this is done. Before Instagram updated and added the story feature, Steve always posted a short video clip to address a certain topic of interest; usually solving a common issue people face in the gym. Now with this story feature, Steve is even more engaged then he was before by posting tips and tricks about health and fitness.

Another thing that Steve does well is telling his life story through social media. Since he is constantly keeping us up to date we know what Steve does on a daily basis. Using his recent posts and stories, we can see that he recently attended the Arnold Classic where he manages a booth for Optimum Nutrition. Optimum Nutrition is where he works as a model and spokesperson to bring in and educate customers on supplements.

Analyzing Steve older posts his accounts likes to be a bright and colourful page that include many pictures of his experiences going through life. Scrolling down and looking through his pictures he like to illustrate that life is a great thing and we should become the best versions of ourselves. Although being a professional bodybuilder Steve likes to ‘keep things real’ by posting him on vacation and going out and enjoying life by trying different foods and doing different activities . One of my favourite things Steve said in one of his photos was “your vibe attracts your tribe”. I myself find this very inspiring and agree that as a motivator he does his job very well.

Steve’s marketing methods involves he use of creative content on Instagram. One of the most basic tactics Steve uses for marketing to consumers would be posting a picture of himself and people thinking if they buy his products they can look like him. However, Steve genuinely believes that his followers can have the body they desire if they really push themselves. Unlike other professional bodybuilders on Instagram, Steve attempts to motivate his viewers and only recommend certain products for certain individuals. He doesn’t push you, he educates you on the product, then attempts to sell it to you if you think you need this product. Therefore, because Steve exposes himself in such a positive way, people are attracted to this and buy his product.

To finish off, I believe accurately uses each of Instagram’s functions to brand himself properly and promote his other social media accounts. As for marketing methods Steve effectively addresses the use of his products in a way where the consumer doesn’t feel pressured to buy it. Since he is also a dietitian and has experienced what each supplement does first hand, he knows what to recommend for his viewers and what to stay away from. Steve Cook is a excellent person to follow and gain educational and physical experience on health and fitness.

