Social Media Fails #deleteuber #boycottstarbucks

Herwin Noe Sagastume
RTA902 (Social Media)
3 min readFeb 17, 2017

People on the internet these days love to complain about everything. People are so triggered about everything now. You can’t even make a joke without someone getting offended. But aside from that feministic/SJW bullshit there are also political events that have people triggered. Donald Trump being the most hated “Political” figure at this time. It’s so bad to the point that if you support anything he does, whether good or bad, you will be shat on by the SJWs, patriarchy crushers and Feminists of the world (Side note: If you’re reading this and you’re one of them, seriously, learn to take a joke and realize you’re not helping yourselves with your irrational responses to everything). ANYWAY….

Recently Donald Trump signed an executive order to bad travellers from 7 countries that is Muslim dominated. Ever since, shit has been going down and going down hard, on the internet mostly.

For example, The New York Taxi Workers called for all their workers to avoid going to the JFK Airport for about an hour in protest to this ban. Keep in mind that JFK Airport is one of the busiest airports in the US and the protest was happening during 6–7pm, one of the busiest times of that airport. This was when Uber decided to step in and try to take advantage of this situation by sending out this tweet:

Basically it seemed like they are trying to get themselves more known during a newsworthy event. This pissed off the internet like crazy. They started a trend on Twitter #deleteuber. It’s like I said, any association with Trump or if it just looks like it, the internet will shit on you. LYFT as well came to the rescue by announcing they were donating $1 million to the ACLU as a stance against the “Trump Regime”. So both LYFT and Uber took advantage of this Muslim ban to get their names out there; for selfish reasons in a way. Yet only one was seen as a greedy white supremacist.

Oh and if that wasn’t enough, Starbucks at around the same time announced that they would look to hiring 10,000 refugees over the next 5 years in the 75 countries they’re stationed at. This pissed off Trump Supporters because they are not going to help the people in the US who need help. Here are a few examples of their anger:

The lesson to be learned here: there’s no winning with people anymore. We live in a hypocritical double standard society. We can’t do anything, good or bad, without pissing off people. Congratulations morons, you fucked over the decent people of the world. #fuckignorantpeople

