RTA902 (Social Media)
6 min readApr 7, 2017

Critically Analyzing Apple’s Social Media Strategy

Social networks, we use them every day: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, I know I am on these social media outlets if not 30 times a day checking what’s going on. Companies have become better aware that social media is the place to attack your outreach. Getting information and who you are to your customers and followers is important because if you don’t deliver properly or your boring, it’s one click to delete you off their following list.

A social networking service is a platform to build social networks or social relations among people who share similar interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. Apple is an organization that has a complicated relationship with the use of social media. Apple is the largest creator of the products (I’m using a mac to write this) people use for social media use. Instead of focusing on their social media game, they focus on the devices they sell to millions every day, which has done them justice thus far. Apple provides the products and services that they promote on social media.

Apple takes an unconventional approach regarding their social media handle. Following their discrete motto and intrigue, it is only customary for Apple to be innovators. Here is an example: Apple has a Twitter account but they don’t tweet anything, instead they use it to purchase ads for their own company. This their approach to reach the public’s feed. Apple also uses the hashtag as a strategy or technique to target its audience, gaining attention to followers and others who may click the hashtag out of intrigue (a smart move).

Unlike your regular social media outlets where someone is the handler for the company making sure the posts are appropriate and are up to date, no one posts on Apple’s accounts. Apple uses their social media strictly for advertising and promotion. Come to think of it Apple does that on every platform they have! You will never see a fun meme, themes, or celebrity promotion (unless in a commercial), I believe this is a tactic Apple uses to stay neutral (a good one). They don’t want to take risks, and, why should they? By Apple only focusing on their products it allows them to focus on their brand, pushing and marketing their own products, while not getting caught up in the World of politics. America just had a very large election, the world was glued to the TV and social media everywhere was talking about it. Apple didn’t get involved; despite the urge to get in on the Trump humor and Hilary bashing, they stayed neutral and to what they know best. This uninvolved approach was specific and calculated in order NOT to create a biased or negative opinion of the company’s beliefs which may hinder sales. Apple is a company for ALL, and they do a great job on social media by never making anyone feel inferior or left out. When I see marketing and promotion for Apple, most the time they focus on the product.

Apple may be even be considered “anti-social” I know it sounds funny, the company who creates all the technology a large proportion of the world uses to interact on social media, anti-social? Apple does not follow back their customers or personally communicate with them like their competitors, but this is what sets them apart, they step away from the “jibber jabber” of online bickering and thus far has never caused a commotion. Apple obviously doesn’t need to do what others are doing, their approach is to distance themselves at the corporate level. They do have CEO and flagship services like Apple Music, and the App Store which are active on social media, but again their main approach is a neutral one. Their lack of communication almost creates a secrecy, one in which people want to know more about and therefore stay in the know to get that much closer, generating excitement when products are released. A release is almost like telling their secrets they have been hiding.

Social media are diverse communities that allow for the user to make it as personal or impersonal as they choose. Apple does a great job at putting their personal touch on their social media, they have created a technique unique to Apple, one that may not be successful for another company but this is what makes them successful. Apple chooses to cater to what customers want and that’s to see the products. The positive aspect about customization is that the company is able utilize data generated by the masses to forecast new trends in consumer behavior all by understanding an analyzing their followers. If the company is getting a lot of attention via likes and comments, they know they are doing a good job. Using social networking as a medium, organizations like Apple can acquire specific information related to target industries to gain a competitive advantage and set themselves apart. Apple has been consistent and with the data they collect, this is probably a contributor to keep the path they have been on in terms of their output, why they continue to keep doing the same thing, it works!

Social media has changed the way companies can inform consumers of new products and services. This can make a social media site likeable, for example when Apple launches new products they make their consumers aware with a large reach on social media. A keynote presentation is usually delivered on their website, Apple draws customers attention with promotion on their social media outlets. The customers feel a personal connection by getting an “invitation”. Those who follow Apple social media, will be in the know first (something Apple junkies aspire for)! Many users of social media, spend a portion of their day interacting and networking on social media, an advantage for Apple to get their news out to the masses. Apple does not veer completely from posting on social media though: “Apple has a Twitter account that’s designed to help Apple users with problems they’re having.” This is a customer support page to help and interact, but strictly for customer service (Leswing 2016).

While they do purchase ads for their products, cleverly, they still focus on their best quality, CUSTOMER SERVICE! This new move for apple was a success from the start, in its first 24 hours, the account accumulated more than 121,000 followers. Some people think this change of pace in social media use is an attempt for Apple to expand its public profile, but the demand and followers may be a response of angered customers who feel as if they are not important, this approach is to change for the better. Although the company has been successful thus far, change is always needed with anything you do in order to stay current.

Strategies that their biggest competitors have been successful from have not been the approach of Apple. Their largest competitors, Samsung like to show off their products in various ways, keeping it fun and fresh. For example: On St Patty’s Day, a display of clovers, leprechauns and green, graze your screens with a promotion. Samsung has taken a different approach by working with a lot of people: creators on YouTube, movies, and name placement. Apple’s approach on the other hand is online where they let the product speak for itself, no need to take away from what the customers are interested in anyway, that being the product. I guess Apple feels they don’t need to take this approach, they are too good for that! Samsung’s version of trying to show off their products is everywhere, anyway they can. Apple displays it through multiple ads flooding your timeline.

Back to the point at hand…Maybe not all social media networks are right for all businesses and maybe Apple has decided instead of trying to be funny, or entertaining to stick to product information to gain potential customers. (Gandey). But guess what, it obviously works, Apples success speaks for the millions of customers and reach that they have. Apple will continue to grow if they continue hearing and doing what their customers want in terms of social media information.

Work Cited

Leswing, Kif . “Apple needs to hire some teens to help with its social media strategy.” Business Insider. N.p., 3 Dec. 2016. Web. Apr. 2017.

“HOW DO APPLE USE SOCIAL MEDIA?” Giraffe social media. Ed. Mark Gandey. N.p., n.d. Web. Apr. 2017.

