Twitter is Bitter with Trump: The Good, The Bad & The Unpredictable

Hailey Albert
RTA902 (Social Media)
4 min readFeb 1, 2018
Image from Complex

What is the first thing that comes to mind when hearing the name, Donald Trump? Some people may just say the President of the United States, or that guy from that TV show who always yells, “You’re fired”, or some will probably use words that I don’t feel comfortable repeating right now. However, many people tend to talk about Trump in regards to his outrageous Twitter posts as he mocks different celebrities, politicians and of course, Mexicans.

Image from BBC News

With 47.3 MILLION Twitter followers, it is really no surprise that we tend to see screenshots of Trump’s tweets on every other social media platform, including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and even every news channel, making it very hard to look away. Since most of his tweets are absolutely ridiculous and down right savage, millions of people share them, which only introduce his opinions to millions of other people around the world.

Even if we hate him, we are allowing his social media platform to reach a larger audience, which was probably his plan to begin with. Social media provides Trump and many other celebrities with the ability to send out any type of message (be it bad or good, obviously bad when it comes to small hand man), and allows them to persuade as many people as they possibly can to share the same viewpoints.

Let’s face it. We all follow many celebrities on different social media platforms. We have all bought something because someone like Justin Bieber was wearing it. We have all started a new diet because we saw someone like Kim Kardashian trying it. We are all heavily influenced by celebrities through social media, whether we’d like to admit it or not. Believe it or not, one of those people who has the intention and potential to persuade is Trump himself.

Image from Pretty Southern

By continuing to repost, share, like, follow and converse with our family and friends about tweets written by demagogue’s like Trump, we are essentially adding fuel to the fire. However, many people would argue that since he is a world leader, he doesn’t necessarily need social media as his platform. Those same people would say that if this was 20 years ago, when social media wasn’t a “thing” (and when life completely sucked), he could just use propaganda to get his messages across.

Who are we kidding? Social media can target way more people than propaganda had the ability to (again, back in the dinosaur days, sorry mom and dad). So, I guess the only question I can ask is WHY? Why are we giving a Demogorgon… I mean a demagogue like Trump, the power to use his platform to call Kim Jong Un “fat” or Meryl Streep “one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood”? Probably because we enjoy the entertainment, HOWEVER, in order for us to stop Trump and his madness from spreading, we must pay more attention to those using their platform for good.

Image from BBC News

Who, you may ask? I’ll give you a clue. “You get a car, you get a car, everyone get’s a car”. If you’re still unsure about who I’m referring to then her name rhymes with “toprah”, or “loprah”. Okay, it’s Oprah guys.

With 41.4 million Twitter followers and 12.8 million Instagram followers, Oprah Winfrey definitely has a platform to work with. After her Golden Globe speech went viral within only a few hours, #OPRAH2020 was trending on Twitter encouraging her to run for the future presidential election. Since her unbelievable speech was focused on bringing light to the most recent movements in Hollywood labelled the, #TimesUp and #MeToo movements, society has reacted in such a way to basically just BEG her to run for president (I’m also begging Oprah). This would lead me to believe that anyone with that big of a following has the ability to not only persuade society, but to even create an optimistic change in our often shitty world.

Oprah Winfrey’s 2018 Golden Globe Speech

Now, since Trump is going to continue ruining lives for another 3 years (I pray to God no more than 3 more years), all we can really do is shift our attention to those with a platform that they’re using for good (whether this is Oprah or another positively influential celeb). Who knows, maybe someone like Oprah can burst filter bubbles, or put an end to cyber bullying. So please, stop reading Trump’s stupid tweets dissing Jay-Z, and start focusing on content that may just have the ability to change the world for the better.

