Wendy’s “Frozen” Emphasis as well as their verbal Social Media attacks on McDonald’s and THEIR OWN FOLLOWERS???????? — Final Project #notclickbaitatall

Herwin Noe Sagastume
RTA902 (Social Media)
5 min readApr 7, 2017

Wendy’s!!!! We all know about this specific franchise. They are the restaurant with the little red headed Pigtailed girl as their mascot, their use of the hot red headed woman as seen in their usual television advertisements and known as the fast food place that serves delicious and quality and “non-frozen” square, juicy and greasy patties. I emphasize “Non-Frozen” because FOR GOD”S SAKES MAN, they will NEVER stop talking about how fresh and well preserved their patties are. Like seriously, they will not shut up about it. But I’ll get to that in a second.

I want to go on record by saying that I don’t have anything bad to say about Wendy’s other than their food is way too calorie filled and it’s something that not I nor anyone else should have too much of every single day. However, it’s not bad if you eat it in moderation. But anyways, Wendy’s is tasty. I enjoyed their patties over the years and between them and Burger King, there’s no comparison. But I’m not going to talk about how tasty the burgers are or how calorie filled and unhealthy the fast food franchise is regardless of the taste. This is all about how they are using their social media.

Wendy’s has become quite a bit famous for their use of social media, or infamous, depending on how you personally look at it. I’ll get to the main reason later on but a side reason is probably of their advertisements that debunk the fact that it’s a fast food franchise so therefore their meat must automatically be frozen and not fresh at all. I will give Wendy’s just a little bit of credit there. Compared to McDonald’s and Burger king their food taste just slightly more fresh. I mean McDonald’s fries end up tasting bland and dry if you don’t eat it almost immediately (same goes for the burgers and Pies, especially the pies because the expiry dates for those pies are literally the same day they’re made, what the hell man!!!!!). The point is, Wendy’s food does have a longer lasting fresh taste even if you take it to go and eat it the next day literally.

That being said, they really made it clear and really love to repeat over and over that their meat is the best and most well preserved. One big example is this following video they posted on their Youtube channel, “Frozen Is For Later”…

In this advertisement, they mention that Wendy’s recognizes that we the people are an impatient society who wants their food and want it now; that it’s better to make burgers from the freshest of ingredients compared to “Other Guys”. I’m no Wendy’s expert here but just by looking at that they are clearly calling out the other franchises and saying that they are better than them. One company in particular that I believe they are implicitly attacking (because they have actually called them out before) is McDonald’s.

Wendy’s has made it no secret that they have “Beef” with McDonald’s (haha puns). One good example is this particular tweet from one of their followers (or maybe they weren’t, who knows)…

Daaaaaaaammmmmm Wendy’s, back at it again with the Twitter Roasts.

And we finally get to the main point of Wendy’s use of Social Media…and it isn’t the usual tactics and strategies of social marketing. Wendy’s seems to be taking a different approach to their twitter. Normally franchises tend to use their social media to advertise their products and make new promotions to get more customers and grow as a company. I’m not saying Wendy’s doesn’t do their promoting and their special announcements on social media,

but they do spend an equal amount of time roasting not just McDonald’s but their own twitter followers and haters as well. It seems Wendy’s has built a reputation of being the ultimate twitter trolls because they have been roasting the absolute hell out of their own haters and possibly followers as well. Here are a couple of examples of Wendy’s roasting rampage,

And I should also mention they have their “beef” with Burger king as well…

And this next roast is either too savage, unethical, unprofessional or all of the above…

Just for the hell of it I’ll slap on a couple of other examples…

Oh this next one is the most savage out of all of them…

At this point you’re probably thinking that Wendy’s has finally lost it or that they should fire whoever is doing all these roasts or that Wendy’s is being super unprofessional. But if you ask me, what they are doing with the Twitter roasting is actually pretty smart in terms of their Social Media strategies. People these days pay a lot of attention to bullying and roasts. We for some reason crave the dark sides of Social Media and only pay attention to the weird and harsh stuff. In other words, people prefer reading/watching the negative over the positive because people always need to be angry about something these days. These roasts on twitter is smart because a professional fast food company going out of character is weird. And that means people will pay attention to it, share it with their friends, make stupid Buzzfeed lists about it, make videos about it,

and as a result, they gain more attention and popularity and therefore they might possibly get more customers. Even with the people who hate them for it, the bad publicity still works in their favour (but for the most part people are just impressed with whoever is running the Wendy’s Twitter Page).

Honestly, this social media roast strategy is a bit unethical but admittedly effective.

