What’s the difference between Compelling Content and Clickbait Content?

Luca Fogolini
RTA902 (Social Media)
3 min readFeb 2, 2017

What is click bait and does it work? Well here is the thing we got to actually define click bait because a lot of people have different interpretations of it and they are not all wrong either. So some feel that click bait is anything that grabs your attention and it does not matter whether it actually delivers the message in the video or whether it is misleading. Its click bait if it was just something that was specifically designed to get your attention, I kind of don’t agree with that as the definition of click bait. For example there are a lot of Youtubers who do titles and thumbnails that are designed specifically to get your attention, but so does all advertisings as well as billboards and commercials. What they are doing is driving you as the viewer to be more engaged and to do a call to action. That’s not click bait, not at least the way that YouTube specifically thinks of click bait. What you could consider click bait is if it is a thumbnail and a title that is completely misleading based on what the video is, or if it is gross exaggeration of what the video is or is about. So here’s an example of something that is not click bait. When a Youtuber decides to show off their sport car in a video and chooses to put the price of the car and a picture of the car in the thumbnail, that’s not necessarily click bait, that’s just being a “D bag”. Well if it is not click bait it is a use of an attractive and enticing headline. It does have the intention of getting you to click, but it is delivering, almost immediately on the promise of the video. A thumbnail and a title for a video are a video’s packaging. If the packaging was not misleading and it gave you what you wanted then it’s not click bait. If it doesn’t do that then it is click bait. There are several channels that do this, and they’ll say something like “the cringiest kid ever”, then showing a thumbnail of the child’s face. That could be considered click bait because that could be subjective and its hyperbole. It is considered as a huge exaggeration and in theory it is impossible to deliver on that. So it would fit our definition of click bait very easily. Does click bait work? Yes because if it didn’t people wouldn’t still being doing it. It does work and people are frustrated with it. Not only is it seen on YouTube specifically it is seen through out online news and especially on a cite called Buzz feed. A recent form of bad click bait was on FOX news. A tragic incident happened in Quebec over the past week were a man went into a Muslim church and killed multiple people. FOX news stated that the shooter was a Muslim man when really it was a white French Canadian. What FOX was trying to do was to get their story out their first and click bait to get as many as on their channel as possible. What people sometimes don’t realize is what is click bait and what is compelling content. These days it’s hard to tell whether or not someone is telling the truth or just trying to get someone to watch his or her content.

