Why does social media always work better for the annoying ones? #woke

Katie Wilson
RTA902 (Social Media)
3 min readFeb 1, 2018

Social media is as simple as ever — if my dad can navigate Facebook and Twitter, ANYONE can. In this day and age, the internet is so accessible and there are very few reasons against becoming active on social media, giving the young, brilliant minds of the future a chance to put in their two cents… but also enables some people who probably shouldn’t be using social media #woke.

Donald Trump is one of those people whose tweets also make me question whether not it’s a parody account or not, then with a slight twinge of pain, I see the little blue check mark next to his name. Why is it that the people who write the controversial stuff are the ones who get all the attention? In the case of Donald Trump, the tweets that I would deem inappropriate from a politician are the ones that gain the most likes — probably most of the time from people like me who are kind of being amused by him. But he isn’t supposed to be an entertainer, so are we just enabling him further? Here are a few of my favourite recent tweets from Trump:

It’s a moral tangle: do I want to support Trump? No. Do I want to retweet the stupid thing he tweeted earlier? Yes. But I think too many people are also in this position and that’s why Trump’s tweet on his “bigger and better” button has 500k likes. In an attempt to ridicule, we are only further enabling this behaviour (and now I sound like I’m talking about a toddler).

What does this mean for the “good guys” who’re just trying to get their message out? Like I said above, it seems like the likeliness of a tweet going viral is much higher if it has some controversial aspect to it. We’ve definitely stepped into the era of post-truth. It’s difficult to get meaningful stuff across in a good light, which SUCKS. I’m not really sure if there’s anything we can do in the meantime other than hope that the next president won’t be as supportive of discrediting the truth.

https://media.giphy.com/media/l0Iyau7QcKtKUYIda/giphy.gif, Giphy.com

Our world has some very important people in it who also have a lot of valuable information to share. I definitely don’t think it’s fair that their message should be shrouded by idiocy through people like Trump but that’s post-truth for ya. For now, I will no longer be ironically liking/retweeting anything Trump says on Twitter as my little stand against him to prevent myself from further enabling him. I ask you to do the same, there are so many other social media accounts that provide entertainment and inspiration that are worthy of your support and deserve to be enabled!



Katie Wilson
RTA902 (Social Media)

Welcome to my public diary, a place to keep track of all the thoughts in my head.