#WOKE *Insert Celebrity Name* For President!

Sam Grenade
RTA902 (Social Media)
4 min readFeb 1, 2018

It is no secret that social media is the driving force in our society to have any sort of influence whether it be political, social, in the sports world or even religiously. Social media is so prevalent that it has the power to brain wash a population and instill irrational views in some people’s minds because they seem to be “popular.” If you have enough people in one room that believe in a certain view, whether right or wrong, you can create enough hype and develop a following because there is nobody opposing this belief. Strength comes in numbers and there is no denying that.

All forms of social media platforms are so open that they allow a variety of views to enter the internet realm for everyone to read. All it takes is for somebody to buy into these views to spark the fire that can burn down an entire forest. Or on the other hand it takes one seed to be planted to start the garden of Eden. Donald Trump is an excellent public speaker and his persuasion tactics are to be admired by some. I am not a Donald Trump supporter, in fact I think the United States politics are an absolute joke that have become a popularity contest. But Trump is a smart man that knew which demographic to target and how to persuade this population into voting for him. How many lies did Trump promise? How many votes did these same lies get him? How many false tweets were posted?


You’re telling me Bernie Sanders wouldn’t have been a better fit president than Donald Trump. There is something wrong with that picture. Solely based on Trump’s tweets you can tell that he is just tweeting for a reaction out of the people. He is having a “chirp fest” with North Korea talking about Nuclear warfare… OVER TWITTER!?!?! He has had a number of arguments on twitter insulting others and having arguments which is something I would expect out of myself maybe in grade 8 or 9… but not as President of the USA.

It has gotten to the point where social media is a communication tool where anything goes. Some people just know how to use it to their benefit and others to their demise. With millennials soon to be at the realm of this tech kingdom, social media is the most powerful way to get a message out to a people. If you have a strong following, anything is possible. I personally believe that in the future, before I pass away, there will be a former professional athlete as president. Mark these words. First to come to mind that has such an unbelievable brand that he has built himself and touches people’s lives across the world is Lebron James. Also named one of the most influential people of 2017. I am not saying that he can be president but he has such a powerful influence on not only the American population but on people across the world that people listen to what Lebron James has to say. He also has a very positive personality that promotes a healthy mind and lifestyle. Somebody like that who can see clearly as to what this country is missing rather than solely being focused on the economy is someone who can make a difference as a social justice warrior.


5What icons like Lebron James, Colin Kaeparnick, Muhammad Ali and Jackie Robinson stand and stood for is what MLK, Malcom X and Rosa Parks stood for in their day in age. These were the traiblazers and now this generation needs to keep trucking forward towards the finish line. Means of getting a message across have changed with social media and has in fact made it easier but the only issue is getting the right people to listen and take action.

Shades of the Black Panther Movement

All this to say that YES! This medium can definitely be just as effective for reconcilers like Oprah Winfrey. It is all about building your brand and getting people to buy into this brand and I think Oprah has done quite the job doing so to say the least. Being a powerful person on social media is a two way street. You can have a negative influence or a positive influence. But positivity prevails every time. It is all about the way you market yourself and build that following. Like aforementioned athletes across all four major sports leagues have built a reputation for themselves that has allowed them to have power and influence. Whenever they speak, people listen and take what they say to heart. What they put out there for the millions to see has the power to change the lives of younger generations. These are heroes and idols to people across the world. Be active in the community and pay back those who have helped you become so successful and everything else will take care of itself. Paying it Forward. Oprah Winfrey, you were put in your position of power for a reason. It is for you to take it and #striveforgreatness.

