Your Guide to Social Media and Maintaining Your Sanity.

Elizabeth Cyrus
RTA902 (Social Media)
3 min readApr 11, 2018

Hey Elizabeth!

Let’s get into it. Social media is fun, it’s convenient but like everything else in life, balance is key. So I’m not going to tell you not to download it. In fact download as much as you like, I know you will. However, here’s a few tips so that you aren’t as embarrassed when your mom finds your twitter and starts tweeting at you(true story). Or so that you don’t walk and entire building on fire without noticing because Rihanna just released a new make up line(again, true story). SO TAKE IT ALL IN LIZ.

SO MANY APPS : Vine/Twitter/Facebook/KIK/Snapchat/Instagram

Relax, slow down, take a breath, time isn’t running out. You don’t have to post on every social media app all the time. Trust me, you’re gonna wanna delete half the things you’ve tweeted in the next couple years. Also quick tip, you’re not gonna post anything of significance util you figure out where you’re going anyway. Chill out sit back, learn, absorb. Also, these apps are gonna change and update a billion times over in next couple years and there will be hella employers looking for people who know their way around.

INSTAGRAM : The land of self validation. Instabaddies, Instagram Stars, Facetune. Yes it’s just as exhausting as it sounds. It will become a huge part of your life.

Rule 1 — NEVER compare yourself to anyone on Instagram or anywhere else. EVER. Not only is it unhealthy af but it’s not real. Everyone on Instagram is posting the best version of themselves at that moment… with a filter…with photoshop…. with about six other editing apps on top of that. It doesn’t mean they’re ahead of you, it doesn’t mean they won’t have their days and it certainly doesn’t mean they have it all figured out. Everyone has their own journey. You are no different. You are just as worthy of success as the next person and social media is certainly not the determining factor of that. Work hard and believe you are smart enough to figure it out. Believe you are strong enough to get there (where ever that is). Don’t look at other people getting likes and comments and retweets and think you are less than, you are not. You are worthy. So take a break. Although it’s going to be a large part of society, social media shouldn’t be your only lens of the world and more importantly of yourself.

“KNOW YOURSELF” : as Drake would say. Figure yourself out before you start talking.

Your online persona is taken just as seriously as your in person self/resume. Be careful what you post. If you wouldn’t want your mom to see it (and she will ) nine times out of ten you wouldn’t want your employers to see it either (and oooooh will they). Everything published online is an extension of yourself. Even if you know you’re telling a joke, most times people either can’t tell the difference or don’t care to.Until you’re sure of yourself, your bransd, tread lightly. It’s easier to add more info online than take it down (nothing ever really disappears ) Don’t speak/tweet/blog/post unless you have something intelligent to say!

BULLIES : They never go away.

Elementary school, high school, university, middle aged men angry about rap music, they never go away. Hiding behind those screens gives them more confidence for some reason which makes it even more annoying and frustrating. It’s important you remember that people online have no power over you unless you give it to them. Never respond in anger or hate. You’ve probably heard this is one hundred school assemblies, once you post something, even though you delete it, it never goes away.




Elizabeth Cyrus
RTA902 (Social Media)

RU|Media Production. Lover of all things film, tech and comedy.