Cloud Control: Effective Strategies for Navigating the Multi-Cloud Era

RTInsights Team
Published in
3 min readFeb 29, 2024

By: Nitha Puthran

To find the right cloud fit, companies need a thoughtful approach. However, the goldilocks fit is possible with the right strategies for multi-cloud.

Most companies today operate in the cloud, whether through a public or private cloud, on-premises (“on-prem”) servers, or some combination. In just the past decade, cloud computing has gained nearly universal adoption — today, 87% of organizations have a multi-cloud strategy in place or underway.

See also: Is Hybrid Cloud the Way to Deal With Public Cloud Costs?

Of all options, the most common is the hybrid cloud strategy, a combination of two or more different types of clouds and/or other on-prem deployments that provide high degrees of flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. Last year, Cisco’s Global Hybrid Cloud Trends Report found that 82% of IT leaders said they have adopted the hybrid cloud, a big increase in just the past year, that industry experts equate in part to a rise in remote work and companies optimizing their compute infrastructure by keeping some of their data stored in legacy on-prem infrastructure.

Despite its popularity, a hybrid cloud isn’t always the right fit for every company –management can become complex, and data compatibility and movement can create issues. However, advocates of the hybrid cloud feel like it’s the Goldilocks of data infrastructure, providing IT teams with the “just right” fit for their data needs and one that enables a business to scale its infrastructure to meet business demands.

The Best of Both Worlds? Strategies for Multi-Cloud

As with all IT decisions, defining clear objectives and aligning metrics to specific business outcomes is critical. Which applications provide the greatest benefit when moved to the cloud? How do we integrate the landscape of applications across the enterprise? And perhaps most importantly, how do we ensure our data security? Without a robust security design and operating model, a hybrid cloud environment exposes the cloud to new threats, and many public cloud providers have made it very clear that securing your data is primarily your responsibility.

For those considering embarking on a hybrid cloud journey, here are three strategies to keep in mind:

1. Invest in Data Resilience & Recovery

Data resilience ensures that data remains available and intact despite disruptions (like hardware failure, network demand surges, or natural disasters), while data recovery is necessary to restore data in case of data loss or corruption. Both are critical components of any data security strategy, and hybrid clouds offer a way to hedge your bets on potential disaster scenarios — a combination of on-prem and public cloud mitigates physical risks like water or fire damage. This underscores the importance of analyzing, understanding, and having a complete picture of your data and what makes most sense in terms of where it resides, before making any moves.

You’ll never be 100% protected from threats to your data, but you can be prepared to respond when they appear. By clearly defining your backup/recovery and DR policies and creating redundancies for data that’s on-prem and in the cloud, you’re building resiliency for if/when the worst happens.

2. Make Cost Management a Key to Success

Managing costs and monitoring performance for one cloud can be complicated, but it gets even trickier when different services, workloads, and data are spread across different environments. Effective cost management strategies help companies control expenses, optimize resource utilization, and make informed decisions about their hybrid cloud investments.

The hybrid cloud is chosen to optimize performance, security, and cost, but you must be able to measure and manage your costs to ensure the benefits that were planned are being recognized. Be sure to define the location and expected benefits for each application and associated data. Then, measure the results across all clouds and on-prem to adjust as necessary. This is where partnering with a managed service provider is worthwhile and why multi-cloud FinOps (cloud financial management) is such an important discipline.

3. Embrace Cloud Automation

Automation gets a bad rap when conflated with replacing human jobs, but the reality is that for many tasks, automation frees up resources, allows teams to be more efficient, and enables compliance. For example, an organization can ensure its cloud…

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