Public, Private, Hybrid, or Multi-Cloud? How to Choose

RTInsights Team
Published in
5 min readDec 7, 2023

By: Elizabeth Wallace

An incredibly comprehensive literature review from Tech Report has outlined the state of the cloud — over 150 statistics covering the present and future of the cloud. We know that cloud has become one of the most ubiquitous tools in just about any organization. Seeing current trends outlined like this puts it all in perspective.

For example, by 2025, 85% of firms are forecasted to adopt a “cloud-first” strategy, and a majority of 51% of IT expenditures will transition from traditional tools to their cloud counterparts. The massive pivot to the cloud isn’t solely about adoption; it’s about innovation. A significant percentage (75%) of tech leaders report that all new products and services are now being crafted in the ethereal confines of the cloud. How are companies handling the decision of what type of cloud to use for that innovation? Let’s delve deeper into the unique attributes and implications of public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud models based on the gathered statistics.

Public Cloud: Economies of Scale and Diverse Adoption

The public cloud has garnered significant attention and investment in recent years. With anticipated end-user spending nearing $600 billion in 2023, this model offers unparalleled economies of scale, ensuring cost-efficiency for its users. The astounding $120 billion invested in infrastructure in 2022 stands testimony to the robustness and reliability the leading public cloud providers offer.

Moreover, with businesses setting aside 50% of their workloads to run on public clouds and using an average of 2.2 platforms, it’s evident that diversification within the public cloud environment is a growing trend. A resounding 96% of businesses have placed their faith in at least one public cloud service, highlighting a significant amount of trust in its dependability. This is apparent even across sectors. From retail and e-commerce at 79% adoption to media at 73% and software organizations at 72%, the extensive sectoral uptake underscores the versatility and universal appeal of the public cloud.

AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platforms emerge as the leading trinity, an unsurprising domination of the public cloud market. However, despite its many advantages, its shared resource environment can sometimes raise security concerns. Additionally, its standardized nature might restrict bespoke modifications needed by individual businesses or highly specialized sectors.

See also: Public Cloud Growth Set to Explode

Private Cloud: The Epitome of Exclusivity and Enhanced Security

Unlike public clouds, private clouds offer exclusive access to cloud resources not shared by any other organization. Their unique proposition is the enhanced privacy, security, and customization they bring to the table, especially for businesses dealing with sensitive data.

The predicted rapid revenue growth to $528.36 billion by 2029 reflects an increasing interest in the adoption of private clouds. A substantial 84% of businesses employ at least one private cloud in their operations, with 32% of workloads typically performed in these environments. Microsoft Azure Stack, AWS Outposts, and VMware vSphere/vCenter lead the private cloud market, with adoption rates of 58%, 52%, and 54% respectively.

The private cloud’s particular appeal in the telecoms industry, with a 64% adoption rate, is noteworthy. However, the trade-offs include a possibly heftier initial investment and the need for robust IT teams for management, something that might present a barrier to smaller organizations.

See also: Move Over Hybrid and Multi-Cloud: Here Come Autonomous Cross-Cloud Services

Hybrid Cloud: Marrying Scalability with Security

Companies are increasingly viewing Hybrid cloud solutions as the middle ground, providing the best of both public and private clouds. Their core strength lies in offering the security of private clouds while tapping into the scalability of public ones. Notably, 80% of businesses have chosen to employ multiple public clouds, and 60% claim to use numerous private clouds.

The fact that a hybrid cloud strategy delivers 2.5 times more commercial value according to the latest statistics is a testament to its efficacy. Larger corporations, especially those with revenues exceeding $500 million, are particularly drawn to the hybrid model, with 56% having adopted it. An impressive 70% of IT leaders believe in the indispensability of a robust hybrid cloud strategy for realizing the promise of a full digital transformation.

But, like all models, it’s not devoid of challenges. Striking the right balance and ensuring seamless integration between private and public components often demand intricate planning and specialized expertise.

See also: Is Hybrid Cloud the Way to Deal With Public Cloud Costs?

Multi-Cloud: Diversification and Flexibility at its Peak

A multi-cloud strategy is centered on flexibility and risk diversification. According to the gathered statistics, a staggering 98% of businesses engaged with at least two cloud infrastructure providers and ambitious plans by 31% plan to incorporate four or more. It’s clear that multi-cloud is not just a fleeting trend but a fundamental strategy.

The key driving factors include durability, technological change, flexibility, and governance and security. By the middle of 2023, it’s predicted that 8 out of 10 businesses will have embraced multi-cloud solutions. Yet, for all its merits, businesses often grapple with finding skilled professionals adept at managing these diverse environments. Skill shortages affect 40% of multi-cloud operations, with siloed teams and training gaps being additional concerns.

See also: New Multi-Cloud Study Answers: How Did We Get Here?

Navigating the Cloudscape: Making an Informed Decision

The coming years include big cloud plans from many organizations. Deciding between these cloud strategies involves a careful evaluation of a company’s needs, goals, and resources.

  • Data Sensitivity: If your organization handles highly sensitive data, a private cloud might be more fitting. On the other hand, less critical workloads can reside on the public cloud, with hybrid solutions bridging the two.
  • Cost Considerations: Public clouds are often more affordable due to shared resources, while private clouds entail higher upfront costs. However, hybrid and multi-cloud strategies, when optimized, can strike a balance between cost-efficiency and bespoke needs.
  • Scalability Needs: If rapid scalability in response to fluctuating demand is crucial, public clouds are ideal. Meanwhile, steady, predictable workloads mig…

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