Real-Time Analytics: Weekly Roundup April 17, 2024

RTInsights Team
Published in
1 min readApr 18, 2024

By: RTInsights Team

April 17, 2024

What Exactly is a Unified Real-time Platform

A deep dive into the essential capabilities of a URP and how it differentiates from event stream processing (ESP) platforms, streaming DBMSs, and stream-enabled analytical DBMSs. Read More

Generative AI Brings Real-Time Supply Chains Closer to Reality

Embedding Generative AI into supply chains isn’t just a technology project, it also requires a profound shift in the way organizations think about creating value and getting work done. Read More

“IoT for Good:” Leaving the World Healthier, Greener, and Cleaner for Future Generations

“IoT for Good” leverages innovations in IoT, such as eSIM and connectivity, to enable us to live greener and longer, all while making informed, intelligent use of our global resources. Read More

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