Real-Time Analytics: Weekly Roundup April 3, 2024

RTInsights Team
Published in
1 min readApr 3, 2024

By: RTInsights Team

April 3, 2024

Spending on Large-Scale IoT Deployments Tripled Over the Past Year

The potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing may have already crested the top of the hype cycle, but apparently have skipped over Gartner’s so-called “trough of disillusionment.” Read More

How Industrial Connectivity and IoT Enable Manufacturing Digital Transformation

An in-depth discussion on the importance of digital transformation for improving operational efficiency and the role of industrial connectivity and IoT in achieving these objectives. Read More

Cognitive Digital Twins are a Leap Forward

The era of cognitive digital twins — where the line between the digital and physical world blurs even further. These advanced models do not just simulate reality. They learn from it, adapt to it, and potentially even anticipate future changes. Read More

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