Real-Time Analytics: Weekly Roundup August 9, 2023

RTInsights Team
Published in
1 min readAug 9, 2023

By: RTInsights Team

August 9, 2023

New Optical Neural Network Filters Info Before Processing

By filtering out irrelevant information before a camera detects the visual image, the ONN pre-processor can achieve compression ratios of up to 800-to-1, equivalent to compressing a 1,600-pixel input to just four pixels. Read More

Why Medical Device Teams Need A Service Co-Pilot

The skills gap is widening among teams that service medical devices — and that gap is expensive, with low-performing employees costing their organizations almost 86% more than top-performing employees. Read More

3 Ways Kubernetes Adoption Fosters Resiliency

Kubernetes is top of mind for almost every IT leader this year as downtime incidents continue to make headlines and cost businesses their money and their reputation. Read More

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