Real-Time Analytics: Weekly Roundup July 17, 2024

RTInsights Team
Published in
1 min readJul 17, 2024

By: RTInsights Team

July 17, 2024

CIO Insights: The Strategic Importance of RAG and Open Source in GenAI

GenAI innovation is being driven by developers. And they are in such a position because of the emergence of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and of open-source models. Read More

From Best Practices to Zero Waste: Transforming EV Manufacturing Sustainability

A deep-dive into how the EV industry is evolving towards sustainability by building on best practices, reducing waste, and embracing circular economy principles. Read More

Smart Talk Episode 5: Disaggregation of the Observability Stack

Observability adoption is growing fast–and the tech stacks running observability are becoming bloated. Here’s why and what to do about it. Read More

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