Embracing Fun at Work: A Closer Look at Ruanghobi

Published in
4 min readDec 27, 2021

Most of us have been a part of clubs, groups or communities during school and college. These clubs provide us with opportunities to socialize, build a network, and enrich our lives with fun new experiences.

Did you know that Ruangguru also supports employee clubs to channel the team’s hobbies and initiatives? These clubs, known as RuangHobi, are initiated and led by Ruangguru employees as a platform to express themselves, bond with like-minded people across departments and most importantly, have fun! So, how many RuangHobi clubs are there in Ruangguru? What are their activities? Let’s dive right in!


RuangFoto Food Photography Workshop

Have a knack for photography? Aspiring and experienced photographers alike can join the RuangFoto club to develop their photography skills and get together with fellow photographers. As a part of their activities, RuangFoto routinely organizes a monthly workshop and sharing session where they discuss tips and tricks regarding photography with expert photographers. One of the topics they’ve discussed was “Food Photography 101 with Kak Bayu Amus, Food Blogger & Photographer”.

Winner Announcement of RuangFoto Weekly Photo Competition

RuangFoto also routinely conducts a Weekly Photo Competition for their members, each competition with a different theme such as #BackToSchool and Indonesian Culinary. Since the pandemic began, the club started online gatherings where members could discuss future plans for the group and give feedback for previous events.

Ruangguru Book Club

At first, the Ruangguru Book Club was initiated by the Education Content Development team to develop the team’s English language proficiency, especially in reading, writing, and speaking. The club’s first-ever book discussion revolved around Mitch Albom’s The Five People You Meet in Heaven (2003). Some moments later, the book club was officially announced through a Ruangguru internal event and as it turned out, a lot of people were interested.

Once a month, Ruangguru Book Club members would gather in a Book Discussion session to share their insights, thoughts, and opinions of a particular book. One of the books the club has discussed is To Kill a Mockingbird (1960) by Harper Lee (1960) where they talked about characterization, central themes, and many other interesting aspects of the book.

To Kill a Mockingbird Book Discussion


As a community for Ruangguru team who loves to run, RuangPelarian was formed. Some of their regular activities include the Daily Run, where RuangPelarian members can share their run tracking results through the Strava app. RuangPelarian also celebrated Ruangguru’s seventh anniversary with a Merdeka Run Competition, a competition for runners with various categories to win, such as Longest Runner and Fastest Runner among others.

Ruangguru Christian Fellowship

The Ruangguru Christian Fellowship Christmas Celebration

More than just hobbies and interests, RuangHobi also provides the opportunity for employees with the same belief to gather through Ruangguru Christian Fellowship. The club accommodates Christians with activities such as Monday Prayer and Christmas Day celebrations. Monday Prayers are held once every month on Mondays for members to pray together and socialize with each other.

The fellowship’s Christmas celebrations are especially festive, to build a spirit of togetherness through several religious activities and fun games. Conducting the event online does not diminish the holiday cheer and excitement in Ruangguru Christian Fellowship.

“When I first joined Ruangguru, I was surprised yet grateful to find a Christian Fellowship group that could be a place for us to pray together and gather to celebrate activities such as Christmas. I am also very grateful to have gotten to know other members of the Christian Fellowship. Hopefully, this group can continue to grow and benefit our team.” — Timothy Harianja (PIC of Christian Fellowship)


Cinema enthusiasts unite! As a community for movie buffs in Ruangguru, CinemaRogu’s activities revolve around watching, recommending, and discussing movies. Through the Google Currents platform, the club encourages members to recommend their favorite movies in a variety of genres with the hashtag #PickYourFavoriteFilm. In January 2022, CinemaRogu would also start a film discussion session, this online activity will be carried out regularly.

The RuangHobi clubs have become a fun outlet for the Ruangguru team to channel their hobbies, connect with other employees and celebrate important occasions. It is also one of the implementations of CHIEF culture (Collaborative, Human-centric, Introspective, Entrepreneurial, Fun) at Ruangguru. Who says you can’t have fun at work?

