How to Be a Respected Team Leader

Tasha Wibawa
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2019

A leader is responsible to direct and guide their employees so that teamwork is executed effectively and efficiently. If there is no leader then the team won’t be able to work well and this will raise problems especially in situations where decision making is needed. For this reason, it is necessary to know what is a leader’s role in a team.

Realizing change in accordance with what you want to see objectively

As a leader, you have the responsibility to implement the vision and mission that has been formulated by the CEO of the company to all members of the team. Show this through the way you behave, communicate, and solve problems. By becoming a leader, you are a role model for other members of your team. For this reason, you must work harder so that you are seen as a worthy leader and a good example.

Have a thirst for knowledge and the drive to keep learning

Leaders always seek knowledge (Source:

One of the roles of a leader is to encourage the drive to keep learning. You are required to have more knowledge compared to your employees. This can make employees respect you. In addition, you can be an inspiration to develop their abilities so that their work performance increases. Being a leader means that you will be seen by other people and this affects the atmosphere of your team.

Focus on a good social environment for employees and clients

Leaders have good interpersonal relationships (Source:

As a leader, you have the responsibility to create situations and a comfortable atmosphere for your employees at work. Relationships with your employees must be good. This will lead to a comfortable work culture as well. In addition, the closeness between leaders and employees can be maintained properly, criticism, and advice should be given personally, not disclosed and used as public discussion. Successful leaders are able to provide comfort for the entire team environment and their clients.

Care for the welfare of its employees

Provide welfare as needed (Source:

As a leader, of course, it is necessary to pay attention to what employees need and want at work. There are five aspects of employee welfare, namely in terms of meeting physical, social, community, financial, and life purpose needs. A good leader must be able to support and care for the physical and spiritual conditions of his employees as human beings. If this role is fulfilled by you as a team leader, there will be two positive impacts that you will receive, namely, your employees feel comfortable working with your team and also improve their work performance.

The roles possessed by a leader is related to soft skills. Without special abilities that are continually being developed, you cannot be a good, successful leader. Try to be a leader who behaves well and is an inspiration to everyone. That way, you give a good influence on others. In an effort to further improve your soft and hard skills, you can download the ruangkerja application since there are many classes and articles that will support your self-improvement. Download the app now in the Google Play Store or App Store.

