Rima, Becoming Ruangguru’s CPO Analyst From Admiring Iman Usman

Tasha Wibawa
Published in
5 min readJun 13, 2019

Long before working in Ruangguru, Rima is known as a shy girl. But her shyness never made Rima a passive person. Who would have thought, turns out she had participated in a competition at the National Meeting of Indonesian International Relations Students XVI in 2014. Being the person who never does anything half-heartedly, Rima and her delegation took home the title of best delegate at the event. In 2017, she was the representative of her campus, Parahyangan Catholic University, to take part in the Harvard National Model United Nations while participating in the Social Venture Challenge competition by Resolution Project with two of her friends, Alya and Ria. Rima and the team made a plastic vending machine that won the championship.

Rima (white dress) and her two friends when they won the Social Venture Challenge competition in Boston (Personal Doc)

Behind her success, it turns out that Rima has an idol figure who always motivated her to excel, namely Iman Usman, who at the time was a student in the same department as Rima, International Relations, University of Indonesia, who was also the 2011 National Level Achieving Student Champion. This inspired Rima to actively participate in various non-academic activities.

In March 2017, Iman opened an internship opportunity to become a CPO Analyst intern in Ruangguru. He uploaded the internship position in his personal Instagram account. Of course, Rima did not miss this opportunity. It turns out that Rima passed the selection process and got the opportunity. Rima even rejected an internship offer at a larger company in Jakarta. This is why at first Rima’s mother disagreed with her decision to partake the internship in Ruangguru, which was not as big as it is now. But after seeing Rima happy working in her Ruangguru, her mother finally agreed to let Rima continue her internship. Less than two months later, Rima was offered a position to work full time in Ruangguru. Of course, she did not reject this golden opportunity.

Rima’s admiration for Iman did not diminish even though she was able to meet and interact with him every day. Although there is something different from his current admiration for Iman.

“In the past, the admiration was more about his persona, but now it’s admiration as a mentor. It’s different now.”

According to Rima, the most important thing when working at a young age is to keep learning and seek experiences, it will be very fortunate if you can also acquire a mentor in the process. For her, Iman is more than just a boss, but a mentor for many things. This makes Rima feel grateful to work in Ruangguru.

Rima (center) while giving direction to the Impact team (Doc. Ruangguru)

She likes to learn a lot of new things while working in Ruangguru. With a background in International Relations, Rima must study the world of IT and business. On her first day working in Ruangguru, Rima had to attend a meeting. Throughout the meeting, Rima did not understand any of the IT terms that emerged. As a result during the meeting, Rima opened Google to understand the terms. That moment always made her laugh when she reminisced the memory. Iman, who asked Rima to attend the meeting at the time, also laughed as he said, “Good luck learning new things.”

Visit of Ruangguru digitalbootcamp Package C (RGDB Package C) project donors, Atlassian and DFAT to Indonesia (Doc. Ruangguru)

Starting as a CPO Analyst, Rima was then offered to become a Business Analyst. In 2017 Ruangguru took part in the MIT Solve event, an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for entrepreneurs in the field of technology to overcome problems that exist in society. In the event, Ruangguru won the project proposal to hold a funded program to finance 500 students in Jakarta. Next, the project is named Ruangguru digitalbootcamp Package C (RGDB Package C). Rima is the only person who was given the trust to run this big project.

RGDB Package C is Ruangguru’s effort to improve the quality of education in Indonesia to all levels of society, especially those who have disadvantaged family backgrounds or are high school dropouts. It is a pleasure for Rima to run this noble project because it turns out that she has a great interest in the social world. In this project, these students not only studied academically but also received coaching for work preparation. This is the forerunner to the birth of Impact, a division in Ruangguru that focuses on managing non-profit programs. There currently approximately 1800 students all around Indonesia.

Offline training for Ruangguru digitalbootcamp Paket C in Banjarbaru, Kalimantan (Doc. Ruangguru)

Although she has worked on various jobs from A to Z as a CPO Analyst in Ruangguru, Rima is willing to continue to manage the Impact project.

“I already love the project, especially with the students who are a part of the program.”

The lesson that Rima got through the project was the fact that there are many Indonesian children who have great potential, but they did not get the opportunity to excel. Not only did the students learn from the Ruangguru team, but Rima herself claimed to have learned a lot from the students. Thanks to the Impact team, these students have the motivation to continue their education by taking the Package C test.

Outside of work, Rima also volunteered to help Iman Usman by becoming the program coordinator for #BeasiswaImanUsman (Doc. Ruangguru)

Even though she had to do many things, Rima actually felt lucky because she was not stuck doing one thing. This is the reason why she never feels tired. No matter how busy she is in the office, she always has time for her family and friends. She always tries to keep her life in balance.

“I want to be the type of person who is as excited at home as I am at work.”

When asked what Rima’s aspirations are for the future, she wanted to be like Iman who continued his graduate studies in education or business, maybe not in America but in Australia.

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