Overcoming Adversities: Why Rizki’s Life Story is Her Marketing Force

Tasha Wibawa
Published in
5 min readJan 29, 2020
Luthfia Rizki, Ruangguru’s West Jakarta II Field Educational Consultant

Luthfia Rizki transformed from Ruangguru’s Field Educational Consultant (FEC) who was barely getting by to one who is known for her target-oriented approach and excellent presentation skills. Like most people, her story began after college.

Rizki, better known as Iki, was a recent graduate of Communications Management at the time. She was excited to see where life would take her. She was recognized as the best graduate in her graduating class and decided to take things slow, following years of rigorous academic work at one of the best universities in the country, the University of Padjajaran.

Though some of her friends started working and pursuing master's degrees, not working immediately was okay for her, especially since her best friend was also unemployed at that time.

A couple of months went by and Iki began thinking about her future. At that time, most of her friends started working. She hasn’t. Some even graduated from their graduate schools. Her best friend also got a job earlier than Iki, though they applied for jobs together.

She thought, “What did I do wrong?”

Iki didn’t think finding a job would have been that difficult. Her self esteem was low and her motivation plummeted. As the oldest child, this bothered her because she also has the responsibility of supporting her family.

Iki and her West Jakarta II team upon winning the Best Cluster Award

One day, Iki was faced with a difficult decision. As soon as Iki signed her contract with Ruangguru and aced herself a position as FEC, Iki was offered a position at a well-known Indonesian food and beverage company of her dream.

In came another question: what should Iki do?

She had always wanted to work for the F&B company, yet she signed the contract with Ruangguru already.

“Please God, if my luck and fortune is with Ruangguru, I will let it [the F&B company] go,” Iki recalled. The thought of accepting the offer and cutting ties with Ruangguru came to mind, but Iki knew that she values her integrity.

“I want to commit to my words. It’s about my integrity,” Iki said, remembering that big decision.

Iki’s first two months as an FEC were not easy. In the beginning, Iki struggled and could not reach her monthly sales target. She felt like she didn’t belong and started doubting her Ruangguru decision. Then, she remembered a saying her colleague once told her:

“You are here, by your own choice. No one forced you to come to Ruangguru. The best you can do is just try your best and stop dwelling in the past.”

Iki during one of her school visits

Deep down, Iki said she believed that things will work out and that at the end of the day, she’d be able to be what she really wants: a useful and impactful person in society.

She moved on from feeling sorry for herself and started trying her best in each and every task. After all her struggles and with persistence, Iki finally made her sales target. She has never stopped since. Now, Iki is one of the top-performing FECs out of thousands.

“I just went for it and finally found the moment of truth,” Iki said. “Once I surrendered, all the doors just started to open for me.”

Every time she visits schools and talks about Ruangguru to students, they love her. What’s her secret, you ask? Iki is proud to say that all this time, she has made sure that the entirety of her storytelling experience in the classroom is relatable and motivational for students.

Iki during one of her school visits (Documentation: personal)

So, how has Iki achieved her goals all this time, you ask again? She’s established trust with her students, she said.

Every time Iki visits a school, she would talk about her difficult upbringing; how growing up, it was a challenge for her parents to pay for her tuition; how her classmates were all driven to school in their fancy cars and she had to ride the public transportation. Regardless of her struggles, Iki managed to get into the best schools. Though sometimes she felt inferior to her classmates, her parents’ and teachers’ constant support motivated her to achieve high.

In college, Iki recalled that she had to study really hard and manage her expenses strictly. She must graduate in four years, she thought at the time. She couldn’t afford an extra year. During the holidays, she didn’t even go home. That’s because her parents wanted her to save money.

Having read this far about Iki, you know she didn’t give up. That’s not who Iki is, because she is unstoppable. Her struggles fueled her motivation to study. That’s how she graduated top of her class, became a stellar FEC, and she couldn’t have been any prouder.

As an FEC presenting in school classrooms about Ruangguru, Iki said she also ensures that she answers all of the students’ questions. She reassures doubtful students regarding life challenges and inspires them with her story of adversities and achievement.

Iki, her colleagues, and Ruangguru’s Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Belva Devara

That’s why once Iki opened up about her past, all the students were in awe. They were enveloped in her story.

Somewhere along the line, Iki lights a fire in their hearts, that studying hard and working hard can take them to better places, just like Iki did in overcoming her limitations. And in that moment, the students chose Ruangguru to help them in the process.

“Being born poor was not a choice,” Iki said, “And staying in that situation, that’s not my choice.”

If you are passionate about helping people as much as Iki does, and are looking for ways to share stories and inspire others, you are in the right place. Join Iki’s team and more by clicking here.

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