Creating a CLI with TypeScript

The tooling and steps to create a command-line npm package written in TypeScript

Spencer Miskoviak
Rubber Ducking
4 min readFeb 25, 2019


Photo by Anders Jildén

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Recently, I shared typed-scss-modules, a command-line interface (CLI) for generating type definitions for CSS Modules using SASS. I’ve used many npm packages that provide executable commands, such as tsc from TypeScript, or apollo for Apollo GraphQL tooling, but have never created a package with an executable.

Considering typed-scss-modules is a tool for generating TypeScript type definitions, it seemed fit to also be written in TypeScript. But where to start?

📦 Getting Started

After searching around and also digging through various packages that offered executables the packages below were the most helpful when creating a TypeScript command-line npm package.

Core Tooling

Some of this tooling is specific to TypeScript, but the majority of this is useful for any npm package that includes an executable for doing things like creating the CLI options or printing formatted output.

  • ts-node: TypeScript Node is used to execute TypeScript. This is useful in development to run the CLI without needing to build anything. Adding a custom script to package.json with the same name will enable executing the script the similarily during development and in the published version. For example, adding "my-script": "ts-node ./lib/cli.ts" to the package.json scripts property will running it with yarn my-script or npm run my-script.
  • yargs: Yargs helps build interactive command line tools, by parsing arguments and generating a user interface. There are also other packages like commander.js that can be used for this as well. On an unrelated note, the type definitions for yargs (@types/yargs) are impressive. They allow chaining methods that build up a final object with all of the CLI options with the proper types.
  • chalk: Chalk provides terminal string styling to display messages in different ways depending on the context. The gif below is an example of using typed-scss-modules and the output, which is styled using chalk. If looking to create a more complex CLI, consider giving ink a try. It also may be a better fit for typed-scss-modules to show the total number of type definitions generated, rather than a full list of every file which could get lengthy in larger projects.
Example output from typed-scss-modules using Chalk. See this post for more details.

Additional Tooling

There were some additional packages that were helpful when creating typed-scss-modules but may not be as useful depending on the purpose of the CLI.

  • glob: Glob is useful for matching files using patterns. For example, src/**/*.scss will match all of the SCSS files within a project.
  • chokidar: Chokidar is a wrapper around node’s but resolves some of the common problems. This was useful for implementing the watch feature seen in the gif above. Sidenote: it now includes type definitions in the latest version!
  • path/fs: The node path and file system packages were useful for working with files and directories necessary for reading, writing or finding the SCSS files.
  • css-modules-loader-core: CSS Module Loader Core is a loader-agnostic CSS Modules implementation. This was very specific to this package but was useful for generating a list of the proper class names.
  • jest: As always, testing is important to ensure quality and avoid regressions. Using Jest as the test runner and for mocking worked well.

The list of tools here is not exhaustive, but they were the most helpful packages for creating typed-scss-modules.

🏗 Building & Publishing

For the most part, creating a CLI is the same as a standard npm package with TypeScript. However, there are a few important steps to ensure it functions properly.

In order to make the script executable as a node script, the node shebang must be added to the top of the output script file. If it’s not included, the script is started without the node executable and obscure syntax related errors will likely be thrown.

The next step is to denote that the package has an executable script. This is done by adding the bin property to the package.json file. For example, assuming the compiled output file lives at dist/cli.js then the bin property can be added with the name of the script as the key.

Finally, to test the script, run npm link in the package directory. Normally to use a package, npm link [package] would have to be run in another directory to symlink the local copy. When working with scripts it will also symlink the bin globally, so running my-script should now work. It’s also still possible to run npm link [package] and locally install the bin.


That’s all! Hopefully, these packages and key steps are useful when considering to build a command-line npm package written with TypeScript.

If you’ve created a command-line package with TypeScript or know of other helpful tools when working on a CLI please share in the comments below. 👇

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Spencer Miskoviak
Rubber Ducking

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