Rubicon Soft Launch

Forrest Norwood
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2021
Rubicon is live on Ethereum!

The Rubicon team is excited to announce that we are live on Ethereum mainnet! This is a huge first step for us, going from a team that was quietly developing to shipping our first product. Go try out Rubicon for yourself!

Don’t worry, we will not let our celebrations last more than a few moments. Our work is far from over, and there is a long journey ahead. Caesar still had to march all the way to Rome and wage war after he crossed the river.

This soft launch includes only the launch of our open order book contract on layer 1 Ethereum mainnet. All of our contracts can found in our Github repo, and will be audited and fully ready for our layer 2 launch. We will be sure to give more specific dates for this full Rubicon launch when we can!

What’s next for Rubicon

Now that we are live on Ethereum mainnet, most of our attention will shift towards preparing Rubicon for the transition to a layer 2 environment.

We are super excited about the development progress of layer 2 solutions, and we are very optimistic that Rubicon can soon scale our on-chain order book on layer 2! Once on layer 2, Rubicon will be free of the congested layer 1 Ethereum network and we expect to see 100x plus reductions in transaction costs. We are very excited to scale along with Ethereum and watch this decentralized financial system flourish without unsustainable transaction fees. In a less bounded and low fee environment, central limit order books like Rubicon can provide better rates than current DeFi incumbents who rely on Constant Function Market Maker (CFMM) algorithms to set their prices.

Additionally, we will constantly be looking at adding support for new assets as well as bringing additional liquidity. Our mission is to make Rubicon the best trading venue in crypto, and we will keep at that commitment to remove barriers and bring DeFi to the masses.

Ernest Hemingway wrote that things often happen two ways, “gradually, then all at once”. Today we start small, but we launched the foundations for something huge. Thank you for your continued support over the past months, our journey is just getting started. Now, we gear up for our march on Rome, which in this case is a rebellion against traditional financial architecture that holds its users captive.

Alea iacta est.



Forrest Norwood
Editor for

Student of blockchains, financial markets, and history.