Rubicon Testnet Trading Contest: Round 2

Forrest Norwood
Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2021

In our last trading contest, our community members won 600 USDC in prizes and our team got lots of feedback. Round 2 will be Friday, July 30th!

“Legionnaires, once again it is time to get paid to trade on a test network”

On July 9th, the Rubicon team hosted a trading competition on the Rubicon app on the Optimism Kovan network. It was a massive success, with our community members winning 600 USDC in prizes and our team getting great real-time feedback on the app. For many of the participants, it was their first time experiencing the lightning-fast speeds and cheap network fees that Optimism can offer. Layer 2s for the win!

The competition also had some pretty hilarious and memorable moments in our Discord server, and we shared some of the highlights in our June Development Update.

This Rubicon community contest was both extremely productive and lots of fun, so we see no reason why we should not do it again! Same terms and rules as last time apply, here they are:

📅 Competition Details

When: Friday, July 30, 11 am CDT (UTC-5)

Where: The Rubicon app

What you need: A MetaMask wallet, a Discord account, and a good attitude!

How you can enter: Fill out the registration form and join our Discord server

💰 Prizes

We set aside 600 USDC in prizes* for the competition:

1st place prize of 250 USDC goes to the user with the most valuable portfolio

2nd place prize of 150 USDC will go to the 2nd most valuable portfolio

3rd place prize of 100 USDC will go to the 3rd most valuable portfolio

100 USDC Lottery: At the end of the competition you can fill out a feedback form and be entered in a lottery to win 100 USDC.

*To be eligible for prizes you must register so we can track your trading profits

The three traders to beat are Discord user frcdp#6555, @Starvati0n, and @713_dfs, who took home first, second, and third respectively in our last contest! We are excited to see if these traders can repeat their success, as we expect their competition will be stronger in Round 2.

How will the contest work?

Once again, the contest will last one hour and will take place on the Rubicon app on the Optimism Kovan network. Connect your MetaMask to the Rubicon app, and claim your starting balance of 1000 USDC from the Faucet. At 12 pm CDT, the top three addresses by portfolio value will win the USDC prizes!

Like the first contest, we will have a number of assets on our test network app for the competition, including ETH, WBTC, MKR, SNX, REP, and RGT. During the hour of the competition, we will randomly announce news events regarding those tokens in the #trading-competition channel in the Rubicon Discord. These news alerts will introduce some volatility into the testnet markets and give everyone in Discord something fun to talk about.

If you stay up to date on the market events in Discord, you will have a much better shot at being one of the top three traders and winning a USDC prize.

What is our goal?

To be the biggest decentralized exchange by volume and democratize financial markets.

Oh, you meant what is our goal for the contest. We want feedback on our app before we launch, and we value your opinion. Moreover, this contest lets us test Rubicon Pools in production, build the Rubicon community, and show more Ethereum users the power of Optimism’s layer 2!

You can follow Rubicon on Twitter, check out our blog, and join our Discord and Telegram where you can keep up with our team day-to-day. And if you are inclined to check out the Rubicon protocol yourself, you can review all of our contracts on our Github. You can also reach us at

Alea iacta est.



Forrest Norwood
Editor for

Student of blockchains, financial markets, and history.