Intelligent Pregnancy Monitoring Bridging Health and Tech

Iman Cizmic
Published in
5 min readOct 26, 2023

Unified Health Tracking for Expectant Mothers: Integrating IoT, Expertise, and Tailored Content


When a FemTech company identified a gap in the market for a unified product to address the unique needs and curiosities of expectant mothers, they aimed to create a comprehensive application tailored to this audience. While other applications offered useful content and integration of single anthropometric devices, none provided a comprehensive solution. The lack of a single application that integrated content and device connectivity to monitor health metrics created a fragmented and difficult pregnancy management process. Expectant mothers had to utilize multiple platforms to track their health metrics, seek expert advice, and access relevant content. So, the primary issue was the absence of a comprehensive solution for pregnant women. Our client’s objective was to track the progression of pregnancy and provide valuable content and expertise to help women understand their progress. Connecting to multiple IoT anthropometric devices, the application monitors metrics such as the baby’s heart rate, mother’s weight, blood pressure, blood glucose level, and movement, providing a holistic view of the mother’s health. The application also offers content such as articles, recipes, and a Q&A chat, making it an all-in-one solution. RUBICON’s expertise in mobile development enabled the creation of this transformative iOS application, specifically designed to meet these challenges.


In order to create the application successfully, our team had to overcome the following challenges:

  • Developing a robust authentication and authorization system to protect highly sensitive user data
  • Ensuring the ability for users to personalize profiles and settings to meet their unique needs throughout pregnancy
  • Creating an aesthetically pleasing and intuitive user interface and backend system that could provide a comprehensive overview of both pregnancy progress and weekly fetal development
  • Facilitating smooth integration with various IoT devices like weight scales, blood pressure meters, glucose meters, and fetal doppler devices for accurate and immediate data transfer
  • Ensuring the platform could provide diverse and relevant content such as recipes and expert-backed articles while maintaining fast loading times and real-time updates
  • Creating an efficient system enabling users to effortlessly book consultations and use an in-app chat system for real-time queries.
  • Establishing seamless integration and connectivity across multiple SDKs and Clouds from various device manufacturers
  • Achieving synchronization of all data from the Cloud with an internal DB to provide users with a unified and streamlined data management experience.
  • Ensuring the utmost privacy and security standards with the collection of sensitive personal data
  • Conducting tests across four different devices to evaluate thoroughly connectivity and communication functionalities


Our solution was to create an all-in-one mobile application specifically designed for pregnant women. The application provides a platform for expectant mothers to collect their body metrics and monitor the progression of their pregnancy. It connects to multiple anthropometric devices and tracks health metrics such as weight, blood pressure and glucose level, movement, and fetal heart rate as well as provides access to valuable resources all in one place.

One of the key features of the application is that it contributes to disease prevention. By tracking health metrics throughout pregnancy, a user can present all the collected data to their medical practitioner, enabling early intervention and better health outcomes.

The application also serves as a valuable resource hub, providing users access to a wealth of content tailored to their needs. This includes articles on various aspects of pregnancy and health, weekly development of the baby, as well as recipes designed for expectant mothers. This feature eliminates the need for users to search for information on multiple sites, making the process of managing their pregnancy much easier and more efficient.

In addition to tracking and information resources, the application also features a chat function. This allows users to ask questions and seek expert advice, providing them with immediate support and guidance. Users can also schedule paid consultations with experts through the application for more in-depth assistance.

By integrating all these features into a single application, we have created a comprehensive solution that not only makes managing pregnancy easier for expectant mothers but also provides them with the tools and resources they need to maintain their health and well-being throughout their pregnancy.

The development process for this application was guided by the SCRUM methodology, with an emphasis on delivering value without compromising code quality. The initial phase focused on the rapid development of core features, followed by the release of a beta version to gather valuable user feedback. The second stage concentrated on expanding features and enhancing the user experience, including developing an admin web panel and ensuring seamless data transfer and synchronization through the utilization of webhooks.


The successful development and launch of the application have yielded significant benefits for both users and the business. The application’s comprehensive features, user-friendly interface, and integration with various devices have transformed the way expectant mothers manage their pregnancy. Here are the key outcomes:

  • Revolutionized pregnancy management by offering a unified platform for tracking health metrics, accessing expert advice, and relevant content
  • Enhanced health monitoring through integration with various IoT anthropometric devices, making it easier to track body metrics and monitor health for disease prevention
  • Immediate support and guidance provided by in-app chat and consultation booking features, contributing to better health outcomes
  • Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty due to the user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, resulting in a growing user base
  • Showcased technical capabilities by successfully integrating with IoT devices, enhancing the business’s reputation in the market
  • Generated new revenue streams through in-app consultation booking and course sign-up features
  • Contributed to the growth and success of the femtech business through the application’s development and launch

Technology stack

Nest.js, Typescript, Passport, TypeORM as ORM, ESLint, prettier, Swagger, Scheduler , Firebase(FCM , Authentication), PostgreSQL, Withings IoT, Prismic, AWS, Sendgrid, Flutter, Dart, Swift, Android Studio, Xcode, Firebase, Sentry, Amplitude, Device manufacturer SDKs, Vital, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Health, RevenueCat, Next.js, Javascript, Sass, NextAuth, Firebase Authentication, Bitrise, GitHub Actions, AWS

Quick facts

  • Region: Western Europe
  • Industry: FemTech
  • Project duration: One year
  • Team: Product Owner, 2 Mobile Engineers, Backend Engineer, DevOps Engineer, QA Engineer

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Preview of the app

