The Recap: RUBICON’s Summer Meetup

Emir Kalauzovic
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2020

At RUBICON, we truly value knowledge and experience sharing among our team so we thought it was time to take it one step further and organize a meetup to share our thoughts with our community!

On August 26th, we hosted our very first meetup at KUTCHA (an open and outdoor COVID-19 safe space). We had a great time socializing with like-minded individuals and discussing trending topics in the sphere of software development.

Offline RUBICON Summer Meetup

Aside from the delicious burgers and drinks, we presented our guests with three educational presentations. For everyone excited to dig deeper into the topics, we’ve provided you with a little recap and some links to learn more.

The topics presented at the meetup were:

  1. “DevOps: Just do it” — Emir Kalauzovic (CTO), Edin Dzanic (Cloud Developer), Nadza Vrazalica (DevOps Engineer)
  2. “How to Work Workshops” by Amra Pasanovic (UX/UI Designer)
  3. “Code Style — The RUBICON Way” — Enis Jahic (Frontend Lead)

DevOps: Just do IT

To start things off we compiled a DevOps starter kit for our audience. We wanted to showcase how simple, available, and affordable DevOps is today. This is a beginner-friendly guide that goes through different yaml-based CI/CD tools. We examine their similarities, differences, and capabilities on a Frontend-Backend example project. We also discover how to provision and manage infrastructure as a code. The point was not just to tell but also to give so we’ve open-sourced the repositories where you can easily check it out and maybe use the old copy-paste and start using it yourself!

P.S. Gitlab dropped free minutes from 2000 to 400 just after we did this presentation so keep that in mind!


How to Work Workshops

The point of this presentation was not to get into the nitty-gritty details of workshops themselves but instead to show you how to make them a powerful tool for your business. Both the Design Sprint and Lean inception have a script; you follow it and you get results. What we wanted to say was that it’s okay to break the script and show you how we broke it to our advantage. We switched activities, we removed them, renamed the team members, mixed up the how and the what — and came up with our own lean recipe.


Code Style — The RUBICON Way

This presentation aimed to explain the concept of code style and its impact on projects, mainly on maintainability and code quality. We discussed how you can use tools to painlessly implement linting and code analysis into your projects — the overhead/benefit ratio and possible pitfalls. We also shared our experience on why and how we implemented a company-wide code style on projects using JavaScript, TypeScript and React by using Eslint and Prettier. You can check out our open-sourced project here:


Code style resources for other technologies:

To check out another open-source project created by another one of our developers, Davor, click here.

We hope you enjoyed our small recap of the content presented at our meetup. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to our team!

As for the event itself, what did you think of our very first RUBICON meetup? We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback. Please contact us here.

Originally published at

