Day 5: 1 Tip I Would Give Someone Who Wanted To Get Started Working In Writing

Follow along my Ship 30 for 30 journey as I learn what it means to be a writer in this digital age.

Rubina G Gomes
Rubina’s Bojra


Ship 30 for 30

Do you want to get started working in Writing (fiction or non-fiction)?

I have been in this industry for 6 years now. And what I can tell you (from experience) is that to work as a writer, you need to

  • start small,
  • have an important goal but be flexible about your approach, and
  • you need to have the self-belief that you can pull it off.

So, here’s the 1 tip I would give you if you wanted to pursue a similar career path:

Wonder how to become a writer who writes.

There are hundreds of resources that will teach you how to plot a novel, draw up character sketches, create an outline, write your book and market your book. But very few of these resources talk about what it means to be a writer.

You don’t want to be a one-hit-wonder. Neither do you want to churn out books because they are the trend of the moment.

Having a published book is not the end goal. The end goal is to become and stay a writer for life.

Figure out your definition of a writer — the lifestyle, work ethic, pace and temperament. Then, slowly try to shift your life into that image.

When you align your life as a writer to that idea, life flows smoothly, and writing happens as a good side-effect.



Rubina G Gomes
Rubina’s Bojra

Helping lost, confused, frustrated writers connect with their writer soul and enjoy every writing session.