Being Yourself in a Made up World

Brenda Marie
Ruby Hem Ministries
3 min readJul 21, 2020

Stop “Shoulding” on Yourself

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Have you found yourself aimlessly scrolling through Facebook thinking, “I should be more like this person…” “I should do things their way…”

I know that in the past I would spend way too much time on social media, scrolling aimlessly, wondering what other people were doing, what they were up to.

However, I soon caught on to the fact that my brain was thinking negatively, even falsely. I walked away from social media feeling unlikeable, sometimes even unlovable. However, what I was missing out on was the fact that there are a lot of people who really do like and love me — and many different aspects of your life. Something that I’m sure is also true for you as well.

Photo by Margarida Afonso on Unsplash

Eventually I stopped doing this mindless scroll and I’m starting to learn how to be happy with who I am and where I’m at right now. Of course, I’m also striving for more, but I now know that this isn’t what brings me happiness. This doesn’t give me permission to be lazy though. After all, I know that God has called me (and you) to strive for excellence at whatever point in life we’re at. Will we fail and fall short? Yes, we oftentimes will do so but we should never stop trying. I am a perfect example of this. I oftentimes get sidetracked, get back on social media, and start “shoulding” all over myself again. However, it’s when this happens that we must make the conscious choice to pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again. To me this is part of what it means to work out our salvation.

One last thing to remember…

You can’t change those around you. You can only work with God to change yourself — to become the best version of you out there. This isn’t something you’re doing because you want to compare yourself to others or even hold yourself up to an unreasonable standard. It’s something your doing because you want to make your Father happy.

Ruby Hem Ministries is a life coaching site ran by Brenda H. She helps women who suffer from PTSD due to childhood abuse or domestic violence take better care of themselves so they can experience God’s love and live out His calling on their lives.



Brenda Marie
Ruby Hem Ministries

Brenda is a PTSD warrior and life coach. She helps women who suffer from PTSD due to childhood abuse or domestic violence experience God’s love.