Taking Time to Breathe

Brenda Marie
Ruby Hem Ministries
3 min readAug 6, 2020

We live in a world that’s full of hustle and bustle. Even though COVID-19 is happening all around us, it’s not slowing us down one bit. We’re so used to everything happening so fast that nothing could possibly slow us down.

Photo by Fabian Møller on Unsplash

Unfortunately, if we allow ourselves to get caught up in this type of a lifestyle we’re bound to sacrifice our mental health and well being. While it may not seem like it now, the little choices we make today can have a huge impact on who we are and how we do tomorrow.

Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

Things like being on social media all the time. We need to take a moment to think about why we’re actually there. If we’re there to chase after another like on our post, we’re there for the wrong reason. All this is doing is feeding dopamine into our brains and causing FOMO (the fear of missing out) — two things that lead to a whole lot of anxiety when left unchecked.

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

Another thing that’s important is taking time for self care. It’s easy to say that between work and family obligations we don’t have time for ourselves, let alone our faith. When we get so caught up in running in circles to meet everyone else’s demands something is bound to break and that something is you. Now this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be there for your family or that you should be slacking at your job. Quite the opposite, actually. While we should all be striving for excellence we can’t do this if we don’t take care of ourselves first. It’s the old adage, “Put on your own oxygen mask before putting on someone else’s.”

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

As for your faith, it should be the basis of everything you do. God doesn’t want your leftovers, He wants your first fruits — in everything. Spending time with Him shouldn’t be something we squeeze in our day “if we have time.” It should be as important (if not more important) than any other meeting on your calendar today, even if you have to schedule time for Him.

Photo by Jay Castor on Unsplash

Ultimately, what this comes down to is you need to take time to breathe. You need to take time to get away and recharge your battery before it dies. So, what will you do to keep yourself breathing today?

Ruby Hem Ministries is a life coaching site ran by Brenda H. She helps women who suffer from PTSD due to childhood abuse or domestic violence take better care of themselves so they can experience God’s love and live out His calling on their lives.



Brenda Marie
Ruby Hem Ministries

Brenda is a PTSD warrior and life coach. She helps women who suffer from PTSD due to childhood abuse or domestic violence experience God’s love.