My little journey with Ruby & RubyConfIndia

Ruby on Rails
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2015


I have been thinking of writing about this for a while. and its no better time to write on Ruby community after attending the recently concluded RubyConfIndia 2015.

I may not very good at expressing myself in words so please bear with me.

In one line my experience with ruby

Ruby is Simple, Elegant and Beautiful and most important Productive.

Little Intro

I have been working with Ruby & RubyOnRails for around 4 years now, and the first time I heard of RubyConfIndia was in 2012 which was held in Pune, but unfortunately could not attend that due to the dates clashing with final exams. I loved Ruby and wanted to meet more and more people using it. I always have a craving to find and meet more people like me, learn and grow along.

The Story

So When I took booked my single ticket for RubyConfIndia 2013 around 3 years ago for the 4th edition, little did I know. whom all I am going to meet. I left alone from Mumbai to Pune for RubyConf but came back with lots of good memories and Ruby friends all over the world, also great enthusiasm about Ruby community.

One reason I was so impressed Ruby Community was when I met Aaron Patterson in 2013 edition in Pune along with Jim Weirich and Steve Klabnik Richard schneeman and the list continues they were so humble, kind and helpful. had the heart and courage to hear my amateur ruby/Rails arguments and theories with a broad smile. Encouraging us to do more and more in Ruby Community.

Prakash Murthy gave an excellent talk about promoting local user groups. And we were so inspired by it that the first thing we did was come to mumbai and renewed Mumbai Ruby User Group (mrug). We some 4 odd volunteers started this meetup and tried to keep this running for around more than 2 years now with new and old volunteers and plan to keep doing so.

The best thing I love about Ruby community is its not just restricted in consuming content and libs that are being created. but also actively contributing to it in various ways. sharing issues. applying patches. giving pull requests, creating a new lib and sharing it to everyone and the list continuous. Its the ecosystem which the community has created — — — -Take use and Give back has made it stronger and stronger day by day and continuous to do so everyday. Like Ruby, The community also has been focused on developers happiness and I feel that every time i meet anyone in the community.

I know many developers who are no longer working or Ruby in professional projects due to company or project demands. but they still prefer Ruby when it comes to working on any pet projects and trying out new things, writing quick scripts etc… Ruby is always the first preference.

I have been visiting RubyConfIndia from last 3 years now. Every time I visit I make new friends, renew old relationships. and build various connections and memories.

You can take away Ruby from a Rubyist. but you cannot take Rubyist away from Ruby…..

I am really grateful to Yukihiro Matsumoto, David Hansson, Ryan Bates millions of gem creators , bug fixers. issue reports. and of course the developers i.e Ruby Community because of whom I can trust what gems libs I use are great and tested.

Once a Rubyist always a Rubyist.

Connect with mumbai ruby user group at:

Google Group

Facebook Group

Twitter: @MumbaiRB

Thank You. See you at RubyConfIndia 2016

Till then you can connect me at

