
Alexander Kotler
RubyApps Insights
Published in
6 min readMar 28, 2019

March 2019

What’s on offer in this RubyRoundup

After a mild winter speckled with a few days of merciless chill, inexplicable school closures, and abundant sweets to soften waistlines, a hint of spring and renewal is in the air.

Unless, of course — per the next season of Game of Thrones — “Winter is [still] coming.”

What we know, is that the March RubyRoundup has now arrived, and with it news of recent launches and approaching events that, like spring, we can all look forward to. Below, you can learn about the recent launch of Allen Matkins’ new, RubyLaw-powered website. You can also check out our recent RubyApps Insights interview with Steve Aguiaron how to kick-start your B2B marketing program, and plan to attend several upcoming events at which we’ll be presenting or hosting.

Whether you live in New York or just watch The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon Video, you’ll find something of value in our original article, “”

Finally, check out our reading list, which includes a secret link to a new outpost for some of our curated original content. (You gotta find it yourself!)

Have a magical March.


Allen Matkins launches new, RubyLaw-powered website

Allen Matkins, a premier California-based law firm specializing in real estate, litigation, labor, tax, and business law, has launched a new digital presence powered by RubyLaw. This collaboration with Finn Partners represents the culmination of possibility where design and development come together to reflect a client on the cutting-edge of technology.

For more information on this initiative, please read the Allen Matkins case study here.

RubyApps Insights: 5 Steps to Kick-Start your B2B Marketing Program — Steve Aguiar

In the latest segment of RubyApps Insights, we speaks with Steve Aguiar, a full-stack marketer from BlueWing, on how to kick-start your B2B marketing program. This conversation provides a fast framework of five steps to help B2B marketers get going.

Subscribe to RubyApps Insights on iTunes, or listen to the episode via our website.

UX Goals and Metrics: Measuring the User Experience — Workshop

Join Heidi Trost, a user experience researcher, designer, usability expert, and UX thought leader, for a paid, full-day workshop on Friday, April 5 at Noble Desktop.

This highly interactive workshop will break down the cyclical UX process of observation, measurement, and improvement, and teach participants how to set user experience goals that are tied to business goals, among other valuable need-to-knows.

Register for this session with Heidi here:

Like a Shark: How to apply intelligence and killer instincts to dominate marketing technology — LMA Annual 2019

Today’s marketers are confronted by a technology landscape that includes literally thousands of products, each addressing different needs. Marketers are becoming more technologically savvy. Yet, the proliferation of niche and one-size-fits-all solutions can make even the most sophisticated professional feel like a fish out of water.

Join us in Atlanta on Tuesday, April 9 for the LMA Annual Conference, as we help marketers to navigate the marketing technology stack.

For more information, please visit:

Pre-register for RubyApps DevCamp 2019: June 7, 2019

Raise your hands if you love RubyApps DevCamp! Well, keep your hands up, because DevCamp is coming back this Friday, June 7. To learn more about it, and to see why last year was a rousing success, please visit the RubyApps DevCamp pre-registration page.

What does “pre-registration” mean? It means that you will guarantee your place at RubyApps DevCamp 2019, and receive special updates about the event and related programming before anyone else. Pre-register for RubyApps DevCamp 2019 today!

Pre-register for RubyApps DevCamp 2019 today!

Stack Optimization at GroPro 20/20: June 4, 2019

Coming in June, Gro Pro 20/20 will teach marketing and business development leaders in professional services how to become data-driven executives. This conference brings together marketing, business development, and strategy heads for an interactive conversation around best practices across verticals.

RubyApps is leading a talk called Stack Optimization: How to Put Your Marketing Technology to Work, and we’d love to see you there! Register for Gro Pro 20/20.

Brand Yourself like a Stand Up — A marketing talk

In addition to being featured on last month’s episode of RubyApps Insights, Leigh Kessler can bring his talk to you.

His inspirational, insightful and humorous keynote presentation nails the punchlines and hammers home the importance of crafting a personal or business brand.

Learn more about Leigh, and book him for your next professional function.


New Yorkers have strong opinions. Typically, people here aren’t blasé on how they like their coffee, their bagels, or their pizza. They aren’t neutral on their sports teams, on which subway line runs the least reliably, or whether this winter feels longer than every one preceding.

So, when Amazon announced its plans to post up HQ2 in Long Island City — and then, abruptly, decided not to — both were met with strong opinions.

To quickly recap, here’s what happened…

In September of 2017, Amazon announced plans to build a second headquarters outside of Seattle. HQ2, as it was called, would create 25,000 to 50,000 jobs — depending on which source you referenced — and more than $27 billion in local tax revenues.

Read the rest of here.


Our Reading List section highlights some of the articles and attention-getters that have made our team members look within and beyond. We share them with each other, and now we share them with you.

The gender divide in computer programming: Always starkly contrasted?

Clive Thompson’s February profile of Mary Allen Wilkes, an early programmer at MIT (and later a Harvard-trained lawyer), provides an entree to an expansive piece on the role of women in computer science over the past 50+ years. With International Women’s Dayjust-passed, this article deserves a re-visit if you missed it the first time.

Learn about women’s “secret history” in coding in the NY Times:

Ditch the phone, reboot your brain

Kevin Roose is a columnist for the NY Times Business section, and a writer-at-large for The New York Times Magazine. As part of a much-needed tech cleanse, he enlists the help of Catherine Price, author of “How to Break Up with your Phone,” to cut the cord on his phone use. Can you hack it?

Read the article in the NY Times here:

Your password is ji32k7au4a83? So’s mine!

Creating a strong password isn’t hard. Just pair together some random numbers and letters into a string, right? Sure. But, what if that random number-letter combination isn’t random, as in the case of “ji32k7au4a83”. This seemingly unique series is actually a transliteration from Mandarin, and it’s been seen in 141 security breaches.

Change your ji32k7au4a83 password now, and read the rest in GizModo:

Dark mode…available now for Slack users

Slack, the workplace collaboration tool, has tested out a “dark” mode and has made it available for usage. Not a nefarious underworld for colleagues to work together, it’s a mode that helps conserve battery life (on devices) and conserve eye strength (on human eyes).

Check out dark mode in The Verge:

Podcasts — Where Are They Now?

The re-emergence of podcasts from the Land of the Forgotten represents an exciting prospect for marketers of professional services. Originally featured on, check out this article from our archives on the newly-launched RubyApps Insights blog on Medium.

Check out “Podcasts” on the RubyApps Insights blog:



Alexander Kotler
RubyApps Insights

CMO at RubyApps and Editor of the RubyApps Insights publication