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Don’t Overcomplicate Refactoring!
Don’t Overcomplicate Refactoring!
Every developer knows the feeling: you’ve inherited a codebase that’s seen too many cooks in the kitchen. The classes are bloated, methods…
Tech - RubyCademy
Oct 8
Mastering the unary ampersand operator (&object) as a block argument
Mastering the unary ampersand operator (&object) as a block argument
A complete overview of blocks, block references, and procs.
Tech - RubyCademy
Feb 10, 2023
3 Must-Read Classic Books about Ruby and Ruby on Rails in 2021
3 Must-Read Classic Books about Ruby and Ruby on Rails in 2021
An exhaustive book list about Ruby and Ruby on Rails
Tech - RubyCademy
Oct 1, 2021
Overriding private superclass methods in Ruby
Overriding private superclass methods in Ruby
What happens when a superclass private method is overridden in Ruby?
Tech - RubyCademy
Nov 18, 2020
The Arguments Forwarding shorthand in Ruby 2.7
The Arguments Forwarding shorthand in Ruby 2.7
How to 3-dots operator can be used to automatically forward arguments to another method call
Tech - RubyCademy
Oct 26, 2020
The defined? keyword in Ruby
The defined? keyword in Ruby
An overview of the defined? keyword with a use case from the Ruby source code.. and an optimization tip!
Tech - RubyCademy
Sep 16, 2020
3 ways to make class methods private in Ruby
3 ways to make class methods private in Ruby
An overview of the different ways to make class methods private in Ruby
Tech - RubyCademy
Sep 13, 2020
Conditional class opening in Ruby
Conditional class opening in Ruby
Why the resolv-replace library monkey-patches the SOCKSSocket class under specific conditions.
Tech - RubyCademy
Sep 12, 2020
Proportional dispatching using Ruby
Proportional dispatching using Ruby
In this article we’re going to show you how to implement an algorithm to handle quota-based dispatching using pure Ruby
Tech - RubyCademy
Sep 4, 2020
Is module_function really the same as extend self ?
Is module_function really the same as extend self ?
A deep dive into `module_function` and `extend self`
Tech - RubyCademy
Jul 4, 2020
HereDocs tokens as method argument
HereDocs tokens as method argument
An overview of how to interact with HereDocs as argument
Tech - RubyCademy
Jun 25, 2020
Function Composition in Ruby
Function Composition in Ruby
A deep dive into the implementation of the Function Composition mechanism in Ruby.
Tech - RubyCademy
Apr 16, 2020
Clean your Rails routes: nesting
Clean your Rails routes: nesting
How resources can help you to avoid custom routes?
Tech - RubyCademy
Feb 20, 2020
How to keep your routes clean in Ruby on Rails?
How to keep your routes clean in Ruby on Rails?
As your project grows, you add more and more routes. The problem here is that your routes can be very complicated to manage over the time.
Tech - RubyCademy
Feb 19, 2020
ActiveRecord Migration: terminology
ActiveRecord Migration: terminology
Why do we refer to database structure updates as migrations in ActiveRecord?
Tech - RubyCademy
Nov 14, 2019
How Rails generates UUIDs by extending the digest library
How Rails generates UUIDs by extending the digest library
An overview of the UUID specification and the Digest::UUID module
Tech - RubyCademy
Oct 13, 2019
Unlearn programming to learn Ruby
Unlearn programming to learn Ruby
Why the Ruby philosophy is the exact opposite of other programming languages?
Tech - RubyCademy
Oct 7, 2019
Scope Gates in Ruby: Flat Scopes
Scope Gates in Ruby: Flat Scopes
An overview of the execution context of blocks in Ruby
Tech - RubyCademy
Sep 20, 2019
The Evolution of Ruby Strings from 1.8 to 2.5
The Evolution of Ruby Strings from 1.8 to 2.5
An overview of the String class since Ruby 1.8
Tech - RubyCademy
Sep 10, 2019
Scope Gates in Ruby: Part II
Scope Gates in Ruby: Part II
In this article, we’re going to talk about scopes for modules and nested modules..
Tech - RubyCademy
Sep 5, 2019
Scope gates in Ruby: Part I
Scope gates in Ruby: Part I
In this article, we’re going to explore the following topics: method and class scopes.
Tech - RubyCademy
Sep 1, 2019
Magic Comments in Ruby
Magic Comments in Ruby
An overview of magic comments and the precedence rules applied to them
Tech - RubyCademy
Aug 12, 2019
The case statement and ranges
The case statement and ranges
In a case statement the when clauses can take a range as parameter. As the when clause takes a range as parameter then instead of making…
Tech - RubyCademy
Jul 21, 2019
How environment check works in Ruby on Rails?
How environment check works in Ruby on Rails?
What if I tell you that the Rails.env.production? method doesn’t really exist?.
Tech - RubyCademy
Jul 17, 2019
Object equality in Ruby
Object equality in Ruby
In Ruby, as any classes inherit directly (or not) from the Object class, then the object equality logic is implemented between..
Tech - RubyCademy
May 29, 2019
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