The Top Ruby Weekly links of 2018

Chris Brandrick
Ruby Inside
Published in
5 min readDec 24, 2018


We’re closing out the year by looking back at some of the biggest developments from across the Ruby landscape.

Here’s what Ruby devs clicked on in 2018, based on data from the Ruby Weekly newsletter. You can also see our email roundup of 2018 right here.

Introducing Action Text for Rails 6

DHH | Shared in October’s Issue 419

The most popular link in 2018 was about Action Text, a new framework coming to Rails 6 to make it easier to edit and display rich text content. It leans upon Basecamp’s Trix editor and DHH recorded a screencast showing how it works.

A Future for Serverless Ruby?

Justin Halsall| Shared in Issue 417

Ruby has been a long overlooked language when it comes to serverless but OpenWhisk, an open source serverless system, added native support earlier this year.

An Epic Collection of Ruby One-Liners

Sundeep Agarwal | Shared in Issue 389

Ruby isn’t just for building webapps, y’know. It’s an amazing Swiss army knife for anyone at the command line and these examples could help you out with a lot of menial tasks.

Top 10 errors from 1,000+ Ruby on Rails projects (and how to avoid them)

Phil Nash| Shared in Issue 396

Analysis of the ten most common errors from over 1,000 Rails projects monitored by Rollbar, along with advice on avoiding such errors yourself.

Bringing Proper Pattern Matching to Ruby

Victor Shepelev| Shared in Issue 396

Ruby Weekly readers are clearly interested in Ruby continuing to add new features as the second most popular link this year followed a presentation at RubyKaigi, proposing a way to add pattern matching to Ruby.

Matz’s conclusion was that he liked the idea but not the syntax and further suggestions are sought.

Ruby 2.5 Released: A Faster Step Forward

Yui Naruse | Shared in January’s Issue 381

With Ruby 2.6 just around the corner, it’s no surprise to see the Ruby 2.5 release make our list. We shared the release details back in our January 2018 issue.

Version 2.5 was 5–10% faster than 2.4, hashes get new transform_keys and slice methods, ERB was twice as fast, and more.

What’s New in Rails 6.0

Bogdan | Shared in Issue 420

Rails 6 isn’t out just yet, but this page links to a variety of interesting pull requests and commits related to the next major version of Rails.

How Fast is Ruby 2.5?

Noah Gibbs| Shared in Issue 385

2018 was the year of Ruby 2.5 and it’s been one of the most stable and impressive major Ruby releases I can remember while offering relatively modest performance improvements.

An Overview of Ruby GUI Development in 2018

Saverio Miroddi | Shared in Issue 390

It’s not often written about but building graphical apps in Ruby is a thing, and here’s a comparison of the most popular approaches.

Speeding Up Ruby with Shared Strings

Aaron Patterson | Shared in Issue 386

An in-depth explanation of a patch to Ruby that both reduces memory and speeds up performance (with require going 35% faster).

Ruby Optimization with One Magic Comment

Mike Perham | Shared in Issue 388

Back in March, Mike Perham of Sidekiq fame explained how freezing your strings can help performance quite a bit and how Ruby 2.3+ can help make this easier.

Actionable Tips to Improve Web Performance with Rails

Radek Markiewicz | Shared in Issue 400

Based on a talk from Wroclove.rb, the tools and tricks listed here will result in better Rails and general Web performance.

Thanks for taking a look back with us. 👏

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Chris Brandrick
Chris Brandrick

Written by Chris Brandrick

Editorial Director at Cooperpress | Curator of Switch Weekly

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