The Tower

Kristine Watson
Rude Tarot
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5 min readSep 29, 2020

Here’s something to ruin your day

*laughs awkwardly*

Hey, um, you guys remember that one time I told you that Wanda was really mean to me? Well now I have the proof! I pulled The Tower card today and there’s a lot to unpack here. Happy Tuesday!

First of all, there aren’t many straight negative cards in the Tarot despite what you may think. Especially depending on the way you interpret them. I tend to interpret each card in a positive way. That’s not to say all of the cards are happy cards, but none of them are doomsday cards. While we’re on this subject, here is a disclaimer I wanted to share with you, my new friends:

If you’re the type of person who wants to validate your negative life and victim mentality, than you’re in the wrong place. Yes, Wanda will be mean to you, but it’s all going to be tough positive love. So, if you’re here, wallowing in your own self-pity, than imma pray for you, and hope you can get all your goods worked out, but you might not want to stick around.

Oh gosh, I’m sorry about that, *puts soap box away*. Like I was saying, there are cards in the Tarot that signify rough patches, or cards that address self-healing and/or mental/spiritual/emotional blocks (lookin’ at you five of cups). Those cards are not a sentence. If you pull them in a reading, they could signify your current feelings about a situation, or could indicate that you need to do some work in order to handle or circumvent those feelings in the future.

Here’s a good example: if you pull the death card, it doesn’t mean you’re going to die (but if you do, please don’t sue me from the afterlife!). The Death card is a transition card, and it’s actually one of my favorites in the whole deck because it means renewal or transition. Shedding off the skin of the old you, so to speak. Not scary at all!

The Tower card (and the Death card) are both Major Arcana cards (more detail on that in the year 2000). Major Arcana cards can signify universal things, worldly things, or even big life events, depending on the reading you’re doing. Big jobs.

So, why is Wanda being a dick today? Because The Tower card is probably one of the biggest “big jobs”. It’s a loaded card. A lot for a Tuesday. A lot for my first Card O’ The Day. And, since I’m trying to impress all of my new friends, she knew she wasn’t going to give me a happy wonderful, easy card here, no sireee! No Ten of Cups for my naive ass! We get The Tower, because she wanted to make sure that none of you came back.

The Tower card can be heavy, or it can be light depending on interpretation. Wow, super vague, friend. I’m going to give you both options, because like I said before, Tarot is an intuitive tool. The reading needs to validate and illuminate your own feelings. I interpret the card, I give you the nuggets, you determine how the nuggets apply to you and if you need help, I can clarify. Get it? Got it. Good!

Simply put, The Tower is a card of change. Not in a beautiful, sweet, and gentle way. But more in a “it’s 5:30 am and I let my sixty pound dog onto the bed and she’s doing nothing but jumping on my legs and tea-bagging my face” sort of way. Abrupt. It often signifies a change of beliefs, a revelation, a wake-up call, and usually a destruction of old thought processes. I mean there’s goddamn lightening knocking a crown off the tower. Come on, people.

In the lineup of the deck, The Tower follows The Devil, and precedes The Star. I’m not going to get too Tarot nerdy on you, you’re welcome, but basically the Tower card is the climax of a situation. The Devil represents an idea, a person, or a “something” that’s not serving you. The Tower is the crumbling of that idea or the destruction of that relationship (Devil). It’s not always pretty, but it’s real. The Star is the card of “I did it! New life, who dis?”. So we’re smack dab between “awwww shiiiiiiiiiiit and yay!”

Where is the chase and how do I cut to it?

All this to say, Wanda thought that most of us needed this today. It means that maybe some of you are going through this, and you just need to hear that it’s normal, and things are gonna be alright! Here’s how this card might apply to you:

  1. Any pre-conceived notions about people, work, or authority might start to, or have been, crumbling in your mind. Chances are that these people, thoughts, and jobs may not be serving you, and it’s good that you’re letting them go.
  2. You have reached your limit of bullshit for a particular situation. This is also good, it’s the “this is the last straw” card. Time to walk away, with or without a fight (we don’t judge here — I just ate danish kringle for breakfast)
  3. You’ll be leaving a situation soon, don’t let this make you paranoid, you already have an idea of what it is. You. Know.
  4. You’re starting to question “the way things are”. This is my favorite because this means big shit poppin’ (thanks T.I.). You, we, are starting to “wake up” and question why we do certain things, or why we hold onto certain thoughts the way that we do. This is the card of revolution.

So there you have it, in varying degrees. It’s no coincidence that this card came up, at least for me today. There are so many small tower “feels” that I have. For example, thinking that a daily card interpretation and new blog *ahem* would be easy-breezy, that this new venture wouldn’t have any growing pains. Ha ha. I realize this morning that there will be times when I have to force myself to do the work, and it will suck, but the idea that everything is always going to be sunshine and rainbows just because I love it, is slowly dying. Do the work, chop the wood, and enjoy the process.

Do you think this card applies to you today? Let me know!

With all that love and light and shit,




Kristine Watson
Rude Tarot

I am a freelance writer specializing in fiction (crime and horror is where my true heart lies), a dog mom, and a lover of fine burritos.