Ruff Chain Biweekly Update | Jun 22-Jul 6, 2018

What’s On

Ruff Chain
4 min readJul 10, 2018


On July 11, Roy will accept an exclusive interview by (Huoxun Langyabang) through live streaming broadcast, and he will freely talk about the blockchain industry, trend and technology, thoroughly analyze the industry, and explore the secret key to industry development with all audiences.

On July 19, Ruff will join hands with Microsoft Azure IoT Hub to hold an “IoT Workshop” at Shanghai Kungfu Startups. Participants will have the opportunity to get development gift packages worth dozens of thousands of RMB, and also Ruff IoT development kits and cute peripheral gifts!

On July 21–22, Roy Li, founder of Ruff, will be invited to deliver his speech at the Blockchain Partners Summit 2018 in Seoul, and explore insights into the industry with other top partners in the industry of blockchain.

On July 31-August 2, Ruff and its partner MuRata will be showcased at 2018 the 10th International IoT Exhibition, when it will demonstrate the bottom-layer access technology of Ruff to thousands of audiences.

Trending Events

On June 23, at the evening banquet of 2018 Global Chain Industry Heroic List, Roy Li was granted the “2018 Annual Blockchain Heroic CEO Award” jointly issued by,, and Blockdata. Reason for his award: “He is a technical madman with a distinct personality. From an IoT expert to a blockchain big name, Roy Li has always been a true self. Under his leadership, Ruff Chain is also quite unique in this impatient and complex blockchain industry”.

On June 23, Roy Li was invited to attend the 2018 Global Blockchain Technology Development Conference ž Beijing and delivered a keynote speech entitled “Blockchain+: Application Ecosystem of Value Network”. Its main points are: Compared with traditional internet technologies, blockchain generates value networks. As a complementary set to the centralized system, blockchain technology may accomplish the small matters beyond the control of an excessively powerful but low-efficiency central authorities, and may also reduce the excessively high trust costs due to excessively weak central authorities.

The display area of Ruff Chain was also open to the public, providing enthusiastic interaction with fans, so that investors truly felt the atmosphere of sincerity and intensive technological research at Ruff.

On June 28, Roy was invited to join the “499 Ladies’ Group” and received an online interview “Lady Chain Interviews Prominent Male Figures in the Currency Circle”.

Is Ruff air? What experience has shaped Roy’s “multiple personalities”? For sharper technical or gossip questions, go to “Episode 4: Currency Circle Hacker Giant Roy Li Breaks Conventions and Asks Ladies to Pick Crazily”.

On July 1–2, Ruff was invited to attend the TechCrunch Hangzhou International Innovation Summit. As the Hackthon championship in 2016, Ruff set up a booth this time to have interactions with technical elites from the world.

On July 1, Ruff officially announced that, Ruff has completed its RUFF Token repo program worth 3000 ETHs, and a total of 23.57 million RUFF Tokens have been repurchased at an average price of 0.00012728 ETH.It is learned that, these repo tokens will be re-sold to overseas strategic investors in South Korea etc.

Project Progress

Optimize the dbt protocol, and add support to the udp protocol

Optimize the procedure of DPoS consensus

Realize the basic features of DPoS wallet: getBlance, transferTo

Build a DPoS multi-node internal test platform

Repair the problem of DPoS node block synchronization at the Mac platform

Listing Exchanges

Community Building

The activity of “Ruff Chain AMA” is to start soon! AMA means “Ask me anything”. For investors to learn more about Ruff, you can scan the code and ask any question, and we’ll answer it regularly!

For further expanding overseas communities and increasing the oversea influence of Ruff Chain, Ruff Chain is about to simultaneously operate its telegram groups in Chinese and English and its Kakao Talk group in Korean, so that more overseas fan may join Ruff Chain.

Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit accounts have been operating stably, and Chinese and overseas investors can follow them to get the latest information.





Ruff Chain

Decentralized open source blockchain architecture for high efficiency Internet of Things application development