EnergySensing — 29 Oct 2020

Rukmini Iyer
Rukmini Iyer
Published in
4 min readOct 28, 2020


The countdown to the full moon on Oct 31/Nov 1 is likely to be intense in many ways; every layer of our being (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social) is being prodded by the energy of death, urged to let go what needs to die. The build up to this has been in process already for the last couple of months, but it might intensify in areas we have not paid attention to or resisted. Some manifestations of it could be in the form of excessive/painful bleeding for those who menstruate, feeling drained, appliances letting up, etc. besides of course, physical death in some cases.

Brace for shocks through the next few days (probably till the next new moon) in various areas of life, particularly in our collective life, such as in politics.

While I’ve not been writing EnergySensing posts in the last few months due to the sensitive nature of downloads coming in, we collectively have work to do in the next few months that will shape how the next seven years will shape up. So this post felt important to put up, whether we feel ready to listen to it or not. Hopefully, it’ll be read by you at a time when you are ready for the work that needs to be done.

We’re at a critical juncture of our planetary evolution where individual responsibility for our collective destiny is at its peak as compared to the past (and it will only rise from here). So there are things we need to do in what might feel like our personal spaces, but actually impacts the energy on the planet, even if it is in the subtlest of ways.

  • Do not confuse familiarity with normality. There was nothing normal about our pre-Covid ways of being, as a collective. Of course, there have always been individuals and communities living consciously, but that does not yet apply to the collective. Even if you believe you lived in a manner that was ecologically aligned, purposeful, towards evolution, your job is not done till the world around you does that too. If you have been making unsustainable choices, change. If you have, influence the people and systems around you.
  • Befriend death. It is the bedrock of life. We only grow through death of habits, beliefs, ideas, relationships, systems and sometimes, people and other beings. There is nothing morbid about it. It has various forms, one of which is transformation. We will keep co-creating an epidemic of cancer around the world (I mean this quite literally) till we learn to work with death. It’s our greatest tool to learn to drop our ego.
  • Prepare for conflict. Conflict will deepen in every area of our lives as a beautiful opportunity given by life to help us choose what we really need (not want). There is no point in avoiding it or trying to mitigate/manage it. Make clear choices, conflict is life’s way of helping us see what is essential. It is an evolutionary tool. The more we avoid working with personal conflict, the more socio-political and ecological conflicts we will create in the coming months and years (including the possibility of a nuclear war). It does not, of course, have to come to this, provided, each of us assumes responsibility and invites our inner and outer conflicts to surface.
  • Work with life. It’s agenda is collective evolution. Natural design does not work towards achievement, it works towards organic growth. Of course, by all means, let the intellect be a tool, but remember, it’s just that, a tool. It is not the end of evolution. We need to activate spiritual intelligence.
  • Conscious exclusion is important for inclusion. It is time to say to say no to, and willfully exclude what does not serve the higher. If something, someone, serves a personal sense of safety, achievement or victory, it only serves the ego-system. We need to investigate what serves the collective growth. See beyond the facade of what is made visible. (That last statement will open up for you whenever you are ready.)

The planet is on a growth path that can include us, should we actively choose to align with her. It is important to remember, she does not need us. We need her. The churn that has begun this year (with Covid as the first wave to propel change) will continue till 2024. So, while there may be brief moments of relief and rest, prepare to live intensely :)




Rukmini Iyer
Rukmini Iyer

Conscious Leadership Facilitator and Coach | Peacebuilder and Educator | Writer | Founder, Exult! Solutions |