Trapped (100WordStory)

Zachariah Wahrer
Rumble Fish
Published in
1 min readOct 11, 2016

By Zachariah Wahrer


Trapped. Abducted. Encased in some disgusting, putrid substance. This isn’t even a room, more like a coffin. How can it be so dark? Feel the walls… No gaps, no doors, no escape. Don’t think about how it feels — organic. Somehow breathing, alive. So cold here… Who did this to me? Why am I here? Last thing I remember? Hiking. Then the light. “Who are you people? Let me out! I have rights!” Listen. Something coming. Oh no, oh shit! I shouldn’t have — What the hell is that?! “No! No! Stay away! Noooooo!”

Originally published at on October 11, 2016.



Zachariah Wahrer
Rumble Fish

I'm a Montana based sci-fi writer and author of the Dawn Saga, a space opera epic. Get the first novel free: