Psalm of Vampires, Chapter Three, Part One

Police Procedural

Charles Bastille
Published in
17 min readMay 4, 2024


Chapter One can be found here.
Chapter Two can be found

Trigger warnings: raw language, violence

Image of man licensed from Adobe Stock; Background image licensed from Adobe Stock; image mashup by author

I had dismissed Moreland’s concerns out of hand but that didn’t change the likelihood that things could get messy.

The internet noise from my violin act was growing almost in direct proportion to the social media trendlines of the ice cream parlor killing, which was now a bigger story than the Piedmont Park murder. This meant that a heavy volume of internet noise centered around me. No wonder Moreland was pissed.

Daphne forwarded about ten thousand Instagram posts the next day from various people praising the violin solo. Moreland forwarded about ten thousand and one posts relaying what the Atlanta Police Department was saying about the two killings.

Things seemed manageable until a third killing popped up early afternoon that same day, this one also in Piedmont Park, and this one also in broad daylight.

I texted Moreland as soon as I saw a news item about the third killing, deciding I’d get in front of it by attaching the text, “Don’t even start” to a news post I forwarded to her.



Charles Bastille

Author of MagicLand & Psalm of Vampires. Join me on my Substack at All stories © 2020-24 by Charles Bastille