Politics and the Environment

Stop Bugging Me!

Thanks to the Insect Apocalypse, you’re about to get your wish. And Earth may never be the same.

Charles Bastille
Published in
5 min readOct 26, 2021


He is happily engaged in full-throttled coitus with his mate. But then an intruder ruins the mood. So he does what any sensible lover does. He snaps off his penis, and runs away.

He can do this because he has two.

Two penises.

No, I’m not talking about some Halloween monster or even Jim Jordan at a college wrestling meet.

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH 4th District since 2007) looking particularly happy after an Ohio State boys wrestling tourney. Original image of insect and background by MURGVI, licensed through Shutterstock. Caricature of Jim Jordan derived from public domain official portrait. Final image Photoshopped by the author.

No, our determined sexter is the male earwig, one of more than a million species of insects on the planet with entertaining stories to tell.

But there’s a problem lurking in the world’s arthropod bordellos.

Earth’s insects are disappearing. No matter how often they hump, the population is getting decimated.

Why this is a problem

You don’t need to be a scientist, or even like them, to know that if 80% of wild plants rely on insect pollination and 60% of birds chomp on them for dinner, we have the makings of an ecological and environmental disaster on our hands.



Charles Bastille

Author of MagicLand & Psalm of Vampires. Join me on my Substack at https://www.ruminato.com/. All stories © 2020-24 by Charles Bastille