Happy birthday FLP

Rummo Olga
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2020

February 29 is an important and rare date for the foundation. On this day, 4 years ago, a joint history of 2 programs Study Tours to Poland and Kirkland Program began under the name Fundation Leaders of Change.

I want to say a huge thank you to every person in the fund team. These are people who are passionate about their work and are ready to work day and night to do good and high quality. These are people who are changing the world, changing people from different countries.

One of those who came and changed was me, having flown to the program. And now I see how the guys from other countries come to one of these programs, change their thinking, meet new interesting people, discover new perspectives and absorb huge volumes of information.

We ordered a birthday cake with our logo. It was so tasty and not sweet!

And after that we watched a cartoon about whale Germain, in whose honor we call our colleague Anya. They laughed and had a good time and celebrated this date.

As long as there are people like the foundation team, I’m a little calm for the future of the world.

Thanks to everyone! You are the best!

