Eat a fucking Banana

Shaun D
Run Geek Run
Published in
1 min readJul 21, 2017

It’s been a fair while since I last did something about my health and fitness, and too be honest, I only have myself to blame.

I could blame it on a shitty few weeks, but to be honest — June and July have overall been stressful and downright depressing. Still, thats no real fucking excuse.

Hopefully keeping this will give me some sort of motivation to keep pushing forward, keep pushing harder. For a long time I was focused on a lot to do with health — running, eating, sleeping — and then for some reason I lost it. I lost it because I stopped it.

Today — not tomorrow or Monday — Today I get back on track. Daily everything, no excuse.

Hungry? Eat a fucking banana!

Thirsty? Drink some fucking water!

Feeling tired? Sleep.

Run, Gym, Yoga, Meditate.

At least one of those a day. Sort this fucking shit out. You’re a way better person when you are focused.

Stop making excuses. Stop turning a blind eye to shitty food. Stop eating fucking Katsu Curry.

Current Weight : 109kg ( +5kg in 2 months )

Goal Weight for Friday : 107kg



Shaun D
Run Geek Run

💻 Freelance creative tech. 🚀 Rocket Man.🥋BJJ White Belt Noob.