Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2018


Earth Day

So, when your daughter ask if you can take her and a few friends out to celebrate Earth Day, what you can really do but say yes. We went to what the high school kids call “Sunset” up on BoFax road here in Marin. It really is quite the locale — almost as picturesque as you can imagine with sweeping views of the ocean and mountains. It’s become a bit overcrowded, mostly with high school kids, but it really lives up to its name. For teenagers, I think part of the appeal is that it may be the mother of selfie shot locations. The drive from our house is a tad bit treacherous, but i don’t mind it as it gives me an opportunity to work on my photography skills. And any time teenagers want to be out in nature is cool by me.

I’m probably the world’s worst photographer but I do work hard on improving. And truth be told, it’s hard to take a bad shot in this location. I must have taken over a 100 photos in total and was generally pretty happy with most of the below. I’m learning that photography isn’t easy by any means but it’s increasingly becoming a passion.




Public relations professional; dad of two kids; interests include endurance sports (triathlon, open water swimming and ultra running)