Running to Work

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3 min readApr 19, 2018

Back in 2011 when I was training for Boston, I used to run into work periodically. Our old building had a shower that I was able to sneak into, which helps things greatly.

This week, in homage to what was a great Boston marathon, I have decided I want to run a marathon (something I have not done in YEARS) in an effort to qualify for Boston. My age has advanced and so has my qualifying time: it is now at 3:30, which I think is definitely do-able.

Presently, my plan is to run the Madison Marathon in November. I’m hoping that my son will either run the marathon too, or at minimum, help pace me. His qualifying time is 3:05, which I think would be tough, especially for a first timer. But boy would it be cool to run Boston with him. My only concerns with the Madison Marathon is the weather. It can get quite cold there that time of the year!

So, with this plan in mind I kicked my training into “high gear” this week. Tuesday morning I got back on the track and I am going to make that at minimum, a weekly thing (I’ve been doing pretty well up until my recent travels). This week’s track workout was 5 x 800 at marathon race pace.

I also decided today to run to work. I left the house slightly before 6:00 am and go to the office around 8:40 am, which isn’t too bad. I could have been faster but I stopped to go to the men’s room at the Golden Gate Bridge and I stopped number times along the way to take photos. It was super fun — the views are amazing — but having not had time to eat breakfast, I was definitely getting a tad bit bonky towards the end. I think running to work weekly might be a tad bit ambitious, but I am going to give it a whirl at least once every other week. Among all of the above, it sets a pretty good tone for the day, too.

(I should add my new office does not have a shower, which is definitely a bit of a drag. But these Shower Pills really do the trick!)




Public relations professional; dad of two kids; interests include endurance sports (triathlon, open water swimming and ultra running)