Gear, Gadgets and Shoes!

How the necessary and unnecessary can make us better

Andy B. Hahn
Run With Intention


Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

Part of living life is going through different phases. Of course, childhood is innocent, where everything is new, and our world is much smaller and bigger. I was lucky to have a happy childhood with a loving family. My family was not wealthy, but I wanted for nothing.

I remember entering the 4th grade and being in a brand new school. A mixture of being the new shy kid and a little nerdy left me open to being teased. I remember being bullied and ostracized.

In hindsight, my two primary foes were probably very unhappy. The others in my class were not necessarily making fun of me or joining in, but they did not stick up for me out of self-preservation; they did not want to be the ones who got picked on next.

The year was a struggle, and I am sure it was also difficult for my parents as they watched their son struggle to make friends. After 4th grade, I changed schools again, and things got better. I learned how to make people laugh and make friends in new situations, and I finally started to get into a groove.

Dreaded Middle School Fashion Statements

However, my Dad got a different job, and we were to move again. I was the new kid again in 7th grade. I got teased for my clothes, felt…



Andy B. Hahn
Run With Intention

Naturally curious, passionate storyteller with wide range of interests. All about the journey never stop searching. He/Him