My Running Journey

February 2024

Caitlin McColl
Run With Intention


Photo by jack atkinson on Unsplash

So now I’m doing my ‘running journey’ logs/diaries on a monthly basis. This month I once again increased my total kilometers run from the previous months for a total of 93.88km (previous months were: 33.96, 44.46, 58.68, 64.2, 68.04, 82.36).

Friday February 2 — Run #92

Today’s run was a 45 minute endurance run (with Susie Chan on Peloton). It was a nice temp of 10/11C and dry, but overcast. I ran with just a thin pair of leggings and a tech shirt topped with another long sleeved shirt. I didn’t even wear a hat today! I ended up doing my usual route around my neighbourhood. No breaks, and just constant running, I ended up doing 6km in 44 minutes (at a pace of 7:27/km Fitbit, or 7:08/km pace for Peloton, which gave me a distance of 6.28km). It was nice and easy and not pushing myself at all until near the end because I wanted to reach 5km at 35 minutes (I did it in 36). My legs were quite sore near the end and I started the run with a sore/tight right IT band/piriformis muscle but that seemed to work itself out during the run.

Sunday February 4th — Run #93

Today I ran 1 hour (8km). My intention was just to get out there and run for an hour, not worrying about pace or anything. It was colder than it has been recently (5C/41F) but wore my fleece lined…



Caitlin McColl
Run With Intention

Writer on mental health, grief & loss, mindfulness, running, life musings (+ fiction and poetry!). ❤️coffee & dogs. Vancouver 🇨🇦