Types Of Run To Become A Speed Machine

You need only 5 of them!

Every Day Life Improvement
Run With Intention


Photo by Lucas Alexander on Unsplash

I believe you can have 3 runs a week, if you tried you could have all 5 of them. A good training plan combines:

  • long runs
  • easy runs
  • tempo and speed
  • hill repeats


Before you start a new running plan, test yourself. You can test how far you can go in 5 minutes or how fast you can run 1-kilometre or 1-mile. Re-test yourself every 40 days. Some people do re-test every 10 days, but there’s no need for that.

Long and easy runs

The mileage increases progressively through your training. Doesn’t matter which time of a run you do, don’t forget to include a warm-up and a cool-down.

The pace for these types of runs should be one to two minutes slower per kilometer compared to your racing goal pace. You can increase your pace as the race comes closer.


These are my favorite types of runs. Sometimes they are harder and other times there is space to enjoy them. You start easier and then adapt your pace to 30 seconds slower than your race pace.

Speed sessions

