Meet our new Software Engineer at WeGift, Maike Fischer

Maike Fischer
Engineering at Runa
3 min readMay 9, 2022

Maike has recently joined the team as a Software Engineer, and we’re super excited about having her aboard!

If you’re a Software Engineer looking to join us on our mission to disrupt the entire payments network and work alongside a team of super talented engineers check out our careers page!

Hey Maike 👋

Tell us a bit about yourself!

  • I am Maike and I recently relocated from Amsterdam to London to start at WeGift as a Software Engineer.

What excited you about joining WeGift?

  • The next generation of the product as we work towards multiple currency types, but also the engineers that interviewed me. I had a good connection with everyone I spoke to and I just knew that I can learn a lot here!

What do you do at WeGift?

  • I am a Software Engineer on the Distribution Team, we are responsible for the distribution of value between an organisation and individuals. We own a UI and multiple smaller backend services where our customers can place orders to be sent out to recipients by different means. I’m involved in building new features within those systems and improving existing ones.

How did you end up working in software?

  • My educational background is absolutely not in software. I studied business administration and later on transitioned into data science. Once I started working as a data scientist I had a lot of contact with software engineers and that sparked my interest in building software instead of machine learning models.

What are you working on right now?

  • Right now we are busy with a large redesign of our front-end to be able to accommodate custom templates. This enables our customers to send a custom message along with the value to their recipients.

What are you excited about from the future WeGift roadmap?

  • I am super excited about the expansion of the POS (point-of-sale) integration and moving away from our monolith to microservices, which will require myself and the engineering team to build a lot of new systems.

How does your work directly impact our customers?

  • We aim to release to production as often as we can. That means that customers can benefit from new features, bug fixes, and improvements continuously. I love it when my product manager shares emails from customers saying they love a feature we built. Working as a software engineer at WeGift has quite tangible outcomes and you get a real sense of satisfaction knowing the impact our code has on our customers.

What do you do when not WeGift-ing?

  • I love travelling, I have been fortunate to travel all around the world — South Africa is my favourite destination so far. Also I am a big foodie, I cook a lot and go out to explore new restaurants (London is food heaven!).

Come work at WeGift!

We’re building an engineering team where people can do their best work. We want to hire talented engineers who see WeGift as an opportunity to grow and to make a huge impact! We have structures in place from hiring and levelling to how we make technical decisions that really allow people to thrive. If you’re interested to find out more about life at WeGift and how you can join us on our mission to revolutionise the $20 trillion B2C payout market, then take a look at our careers page or get in touch with the Talent Team

