Blog moved to GitHub

Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2024

Hi Friends, I have some exciting news to share! Our blog is moving from Medium to GitHub. This change will give us more flexibility and better integration with our development workflow. Here’s everything you need to know about the migration and what it means for you.

Why Are We Moving?

1. Better Integration: GitHub seamlessly integrates our existing tools and processes. This allows us to manage our content alongside our code, making it easier to maintain and update.

2. Version Control: With GitHub, we can track changes and manage revisions more effectively. This ensures that our content is always up-to-date and accurately reflects our latest thinking.

3. Open Source Contributions: We can invite the community to contribute directly by hosting our blog on GitHub. Whether it’s suggesting edits, adding new content, or providing feedback, we welcome your participation.

Migration Details

The migration process is underway, and you can track our progress on GitHub. Here’s the Pull Request for the migration that outlines our steps and current status.

This is a peek at the new blog page:

Additionally, we recently revamped our entire site using VitePress. This pull request details this significant update.

This is a peek at the new site:

New Atlantis Site

How to Stay Engaged

While our primary content will now be on GitHub, we value your engagement and feedback. Here’s how you can stay involved:

1. GitHub Contributions: You can comment on, suggest changes to, and contribute to our blog posts directly on GitHub. Please take part in the discussion and help us improve our content.

2. Join Us on Slack: For real-time discussions, questions, and more interactive engagement, join our Slack community. This is the best place to connect with us and other community members.

What’s Next?

We are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible. Our content will remain accessible, and we will continue to share valuable insights, updates, and stories. We are excited about the possibilities of this move and look forward to your continued support and participation.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Let’s continue to learn, grow, and innovate together!

Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback on our GitHub page or join the conversation on Slack. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

