Simple Trick to Validate OpenAI GPTs/Assistants Answers using References

Snow W. Lee
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2024

In the age of AI, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of information has never been more critical. While generative AI, such as OpenAI GPTs and Assistants API, usually provides correct answers, there are instances where they might produce misleading or “hallucinated” responses.

This causes a significant challenge: Users cannot fully trust the information without proper references. Fortunately, there’s a simple yet effective way to mitigate this issue: Making sure your AI provides references with its responses.

OpenAI response with references posted in Slack

Prerequisites: You’re using the “File Search” or “Knowledge Retrieval” features. Or custom RAG(Retrieval Augmented Generation) architecture.

A Simple Trick to Ensure Verifiable Responses

To enhance the reliability of responses from OpenAI’s GPTs or any similar assistant, you can instruct the AI to include references in its answers. This can be achieved by adding a straightforward request at the end of your message:

Include references after the answer in this format: """
# References
**[Section Title Here](**
> Exact content body of the references

For example, instead of just asking, “What is the capital of France?” you would ask, “What is the capital of France? Include references after the answer …” The AI will then provide an answer along with references, helping you verify the information.

Answer with reliable references

So simple, isn’t it?

Streamlining the Process with PlugBear

Typing “Include references ...” at the end of every query might seem tedious. This is where PlugBear comes into play.

PlugBear helps you integrate your custom ChatGPT into your everyday tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zendesk, and more in 10 minutes without coding.

Using PlugBear, you can integrate your custom GPTs into Slack and automatically append the postfix request to every query, saving you the effort of typing it each time.

How to Set It Up

First, check this post to learn more about integrating your OpenAI into your tools. This can be done in 10 minutes.

After integrating your custom GPTs/Assistants, you can customize your message on the “Preferences” tab under “Connection” page.

Message Template Customization using PlugBear

Benefits of Using PlugBear

  • ​Consistency​: Ensures every query always requests references without manual input.
  • ​Efficiency​: Saves time and effort by utilizing GPTs in your communication channels like Slack directly.
  • ​Reliability​: Enhances trust in AI-generated responses by providing verifiable sources.

Try It Now

Integrating this simple yet powerful tweak can dramatically improve the reliability of the information provided by your AI assistants.

Join PlugBear today and take a step towards more accurate and trustworthy AI interactions.

