Achieving concurrency in Go

If I had to choose one great feature of Go, then it has to be in-built concurrency model. Not only it supports concurrency but makes it better. Go Concurrency Model (goroutines) to concurrency is what Docker is to virtualization.

Uday Hiwarale
Published in
10 min readNov 3, 2018


☛ What is concurrency?

In computer programming, concurrency is ability of a computer to deal with multiple things at once. For general example, if you are surfing internet in a browser, there might be lot of things happening at once. In a particular situation, you might be downloading some files while listening to some music on the page that you are scrolling, at the same time. Hence a browser needs to deal with lot of things at once. If browser couldn’t deal with them at once, you need to wait until all download finishes and then you can start browsing internet again. That would be frustrating.

A general purpose PC might have just one CPU core which does all the processing and computation. A CPU core can handle one thing at a time. When we talk about concurrency, we are doing one thing at a time but we divide CPU Time among things that need to be processed. Hence we get a sensation of multiple things happening at the…

