Anatomy of Modules in Go

Modules are a new way to manage dependencies of your Go project. Modules enable us to incorporate different versions of the same dependency without breaking the application.

Uday Hiwarale
Published in
24 min readMay 4, 2019


(source: pexels.com)

💡 Before we begin, it’s worth mentioning that Modules are supported from Go version 1.11 but it will be finalized in Go version 1.13. So, if you are using Go version below 1.13, then implementation of Go Modules might be subjected to change in the future.

Let’s talk about the pre-Go Modules era. As we discussed in the packages tutorials, in order to work with Go, we need our source code to be present inside the GOPATH directory (this is your Go workspace).

When you install any dependency packages using go get command, it saves the package files under $GOPATH/src path. A Go program cannot import a dependency unless it is present inside $GOPATH. Also, go build command creates binary executable files and package archives inside $GOPATH. Hence, GOPATH is a big deal in Go.

I always hated this as it forces us to relocate all the projects inside one directory or we have to constantly change the GOPATH environment variable to switch between different projects.

