The anatomy of Arrays in Go

An array is a container that holds values of the same type. Arrays in Go have fixed length and once they are defined, they can’t be expanded to fit more data.

Uday Hiwarale
Published in
8 min readSep 3, 2018


(source: pexels.com)

☛ What is an array

An array is a collection of the same data type. For example, an array of integers or an array of strings. Since Go is a statically typed language, mixing different values belonging to different data types in an array is not allowed.

In Go, an array has a fixed length. Once defined with a particular size, the size of an array cannot be increased or decreased. But that problem can be solved using slices which we will learn in the next lesson.

Array is a composite or abstract data type because it is composed of primitive or concrete data types like int, string, bool etc.

☛ How to declare an array?

An array is a type in itself. This type is defined like [n]T where n is the number of elements an array can hold and T is a data type like int or string.

Hence to define a variable which is an array of 3 elements of the type int, it has the following syntax.

package main

